Campi the Bat

Imagine, a car blog daring to post about a topic that is starting to get some attention. Reworking cities so that cars aren’t as essential to get around.

A quick google search about the destruction of dense neighborhoods to build highways in the 60s-80s will prove that building more roads is not the answer. Many cities across this country still haven’t recovered. A good city should have a large and accessible mass transit system. If you need a car, live in the suburbs

I love cars and I enjoy driving, but sitting in traffic taking 40 minutes to get home from work isn’t driving.

I think we’ve seen what the last half-century of “more roads” has brought us, and it’s time to try other things. Extra lanes and roads simply fill to capacity again and we’re right back where we were, but with more cars and emissions. I’ve never seen a new or larger freeway suddenly cut commute times by any

When you’re a grownup and you love something, you look at it—and yourself—honestly.

This is a terrible take.

Amateurish jokes are all astrology deserves. 

Definitely Paul Ryan. But Rand Paul’s neighbor could take them both.

As a history teacher, it’s not a re-examining, it’s a more truthful telling of everything that was already there. It’s not like historians looked at all their books again one day and “oh shit, white people are racist!” The problem lies with a couple generations of Americans who were spoon-fed this American

Forty  percent of cops have a favorable view on domestic violence and regularly engage in it.

Maybe? Probably. Screw Fort Worth 

But she’s also made clear that, like Biden, she could be viewed as a transitional figure in the Democratic Party who currently harbors little interest in seeking the White House herself when he leaves office.

The unsung casualties of this pandemic cannot be overstated.

Second verse same as the first. Sure, the feds may not have been around for Occupy Wall Street or Ferguson, but the tear gas still gets thrown...

Your ratings are correct. I would know, because I’m a Sagittarius and my opinions are always correct.

Look, I don’t care where they tell it as long as it gets told. 

This has been circulating recently, in case you didn’t see it. It’s a short essay by W.E.B du Bois about the endless obsession with canonizing REL.

Sorry, I read ‘heads up displays’ as ‘binary load lifters’.