It’s an electric scooter utilising a repurposed starter motor out of the Panigale. Obviously.
It’s an electric scooter utilising a repurposed starter motor out of the Panigale. Obviously.
Why are you doing this, Yamaha? Have we offended you in some way? “Look how easily we could grant you happiness,” a sneering Suit tells us. “Witness this dawn that shall never rise.”
Was it because we didn’t buy enough SR400s? I considered one for a few minutes, honest!
If they’re green enough, I’d still recommend a droning 250 even for freeway work. New riders need to learn first and foremost that their top bit of safety gear is their brain. Weaker bikes rule out the lazy point-and-squirt method of progress they’ve likely picked up from driving cars, forcing the rider to learn how…
Straight Rhythm: Excitebike For Real
“... built two years after the year of my birth...”
Old man.
‘Straya, mate.
Rearward cylinder cant, intake forward, exhaust outlet aft. Works for Yamaha.
I just don’t like suits, ties in particular.
You know a minute in, with that music selection, that he was a good choice for this.
Good. Keith was weak. Deutscher is strong leader!
They are not fucking motorcycle boots.
People pose these questions not because they don’t know how Google works, but rather because they want to hear an explanation as told by the people they’re asking.
All that money, up in smoke.
Let me ask you something. When you come in on Saturday and you’re not feeling real well, does anyone ever say to you, “Be jelly?”
Best colour combo they ever offered.
Above seven figures, even failure is profitable.
Hey, go get laid yourself, friend.
This extremely positive review of the RXP-X 300 has succeeded in convincing me to buy* a Spark instead.
So... It’s like Facebook, but only photo posts?
This bike with the counterbalanced 410cc engine out of the upcoming Himilayan would be a real blast.