
i dont get why they are towing a nascar like car? I would think they hate that sport (as do I, something about watching cars go left is boring lol )

lol, you must shop at amazon a lot. as i see reviews like that all the time.

Sorry, forgot the LOL... LOL :D

No, fuck you.......

yea, oregon needs to change. that was the only state i have gotten a speeding ticket for doing 4 over. wtf

baller beadlocks

While totally awesome, $8k+ is a bit steep for me for a small tow behind trailer setup. wonder if they would just give me one to test :D also, damn, hutchinson beadlocks on the trailer too? baller...

Slow day eh? at least put some tech related stuff in :D

Launching ten years ago today, Steam had a relatively inauspicious beginning. The games business was in the last days of an old-fashioned era, before iOS, before Facebook, before, well, Steam. You either bought console games on a disc, or you bought PC games on CD/DVD. That was it!

Lol, about the only time i rooted for Texas

actually a lot of places still use ink. some agencies only accept ink lol. I remember when applying for a govt job last year they required actual cards with prints and it took a wile to find a place that still did it that way.

lol, Nick you are awesome :D

oh, i see now. Thanks, and yes, we can actually do that. i can also swap in a 5.0 into my toyota and still be legal (after a visit to the BAR) or if its older then '75 they cant say shit.

I know i have been drinking, but WTF does this even mean? i can mount all kinds of trannys to engines. its got to be some dumb texan joke i am missing lol

yep, SA is one shit place for sure.

Yea they do. And everybody knows Cali is 10000x better than Texas :D

I do, but having stuff like this is neat as you can just take it and cut it. more time cutting and less time drawing up things :D I kinda figured everybody had a cnc router setup in there garage? no?

exactly. This is why America looks stupid (that and 99% of the politicians lol)

Yep, we really need to make it harder to get a license in the US.

Its the fugly silver bracelet.