
You should definitely take that one thing you heard that one person said third-hand and extrapolate that to the behavior of all liberals to come to the conclusion that liberals are “looking somehow worse than conservatives did with all their anti-Obama rhetoric.” That is a reasonable thing to do.

“...the US spent 54% of its discretionary budget on the military.”

Schilling is the perfect encapsulation of the modern GOP.

That’s the problem these days in a nutshell: too many dumbshits triggered by civility.

Wait, are YOU subtly trolling US?

So, has Harden been improving his defense by Putin in extra time after practice?

Every time there is an opportunity to lay bare his incompetence and fundamental indecency, and to point out the behavior rendering him unsuitable for public office, I will do it.

One bonus of Trump going to DC is that he likes watching the Wiz.

No, but this bullshit was statistically demonstrably (part of) why so many Democratic voters stayed home and eventually gave this idiot the election. But hey! DNC platform has a living wage in its platform! And we’re indeed farther away from binary politics (unfortunately towards unary. womp womp womp).

This is what

So long as you’re rich and white, Trump is fine. It’s the rest of us that are fucked.

When the topic is Trump’s incompetence and you try to change the topic to how much you hate Hillary Clinton, you are being pretty transparent about where your interests lie. And stop acting like Trump being PEOTUS isn’t your responsibility because you refused to engage. You don’t get to wash your hands of this, you

The Democratic party is “not as bad” as Trump in the same way that food stamps are not as bad as being chained in a dungeon to stave to death.

You know, I despise Republicans for being either evil or dimwitted, but at least they believe in something. You’re worse then that. We live in a two party system, especially for president. That’s never going to change (except to a one party system). And at the end of the day you can’t even help yourself.

You’re already making the same excuse that the rest of the trump supporters are going to be making the next four years, rather than criticize any of his terrible decisions and terrible cabinet choices the only response any trump supporters seem to have is “WELL IT WOULD BE WORSE IF IT WERE HILLARY”.

Attacks on Clinton were enough to get people to vote for Trump. That, and this mealy-mouthed false equivalence bullshit that you’re engaging in right now.

No you don’t. You based your vote for Trump largely on unsubstantiated lies posted by teenagers in Macedonia, repeated over and over. Now the rest of us are condemned to live in your bubble of fear and ignorance too.

Right wing conspiracies and rumors are far more unhinged and pervasive.

He just cannot hold it together for longer than ten minutes at a time. By the end of the Q&A he seemed ready to drop to floor in a full body tantrum.