
"Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue, Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn børk! børk! børk!"

V8 + Straight Pipes = Voice of God

I'm gonna tip my hat to the team behind the Camry. Because you know there's amazing design and engineering talent, probably unlimited resources (a budget that could fund dozens of boutique supercar makers, all rolled into 1 car), and the success of one of the world's largest carmakers riding on your shouders. And you

Dude, grown men are playing with toy planes. Who gives a shit about Crimea?

That is all.

In WW2 German Tigers were able to take out American Sherman's 4:1. The problem they had was that we were able to produce them 5x faster, and get them repaired much faster. So the US does (did?) know about zerg rushing an enemy.

I could be wrong, but I think the US got a run of these tundras too.

They weren't Canadian only and they built more than 200 of them. Maybe they built 200 in Canada but they were available in the US. Toyota had a marketing campaign in US magazines for the Truck.

All the bloodshed, carnage, BDSM, genocides, power struggles and the feeling of inadequacies...all over a bunch of blown apex seals....

GRRM is bannerman to House Wankel? An interesting twist, perhaps as good as some of the ones in the books.


I kid... I kid...


Some guy tried to argue with me that I was wrong for calling it OW-Dee instead of ODD-ie.

The guy doesn't even know where Audi's are built.

It doesn't count as a road trip in the south if you don't stop at a Waffle House.

The most impressive thing to me is the driver backing these 50' rigs into spots that a suburban housewife (gender selected for humor, not stereotype) couldn't get their Toyota Highlander into with a straight approach and no car on either side.

Excellent post, Jacko. He who owns the skies usually owns the ground as well. Carriers are all about projection of power. Immediate, overwhelming air power, and on a global scale.

Nonsense. You can't project force with stationary airstrips. The United States has an omnipresent military that can touch any spot on the globe — not so with the Chinese. Why do you think that is? Here's a hint: it ain't because our Army is bigger or because of our Air Force.

Aircraft carriers are about projection of air power, not naval power.

My favorite Loewy design isn't a car, but a locomotive.