Who put my keys in the freezer?

I'm going to go out on a limb, here and say it isn't just the gauges that the video was showing. I'm pretty sure that the side profile of the car that we got was part of the display as well, meaning to me that the display is going to be much more animated and active than simply showing the gauges.

I for one was disappointed this post wasn't present last night. I'm an american and all, but after my football team made a huge bet on some guys neck, and it turns out it is his ability to give a care during a playoff game is what is really broken about him, I didn't much care for the super bowl.


I lived out of my car for about 6 months in college. Worked great. I'd have to disagree with the sleeping in cities. People always called the cops about me no matter where I parked. The crack dealer on the corner, no big deal. A broke homeless college kid now that is something to be scared of.

I'm a religious nut, and I happen to agree with you. Lots of death in the old testament. Proverbs 1:7

you successfully posted the 2 commercials that annoy me the most. Nothing makes me go nuts more than "grounded to the ground" and the stupid rim comment she makes in that ford commercial.

mine. if it was only bigger... damn arch d sheets

Uh have you done the math on it? barring any repairs you make it back in approx. 25k miles, at today's prices. Pay for the car itself? yeah, that'll take you a lot longer.

How do you run anything at a loss? I mean really, I can't run my house at a loss, I can't run my firm at a loss. Even governments have to eventually pay down debt, e.g. greece, etc. Money can be evil and stupid yes, but it is only a medium, a means of transferring work from one place to another. If you have none of

WHATTTT!!!??? you can do 360 spins on the pictures now? There goes all my productivity for today.... (starts reading past jalop articles)


So, does anyone else, who thinks that the whole 'save the world bs,' also think that the idea of 4wd cars with electric motors at each wheel, with huge amounts of torque, lower center of gravity, lighter weight (once we get light batteries...), fewer parts, etc. sound freakin' awesome?

Let's not forget that encouraging the use of windows can increase HVAC usage as a result of poor insulation and thermal transfer.

As someone who actually lived out of thier car for 4 months, I can tell you this is the wrong way to do it. Cars aren't wide enough and you'll end up with achy legs. You need a station wagon with the seats folded down. If head space is an issue too, then a minivan and take out one of the middle captains chairs.

none of those vehicles you named were vans... they are all some ugly cross breed.

I was reading this article when my wife checked over my shoulder and said "nice legs." Oddly she got more upset when she realized I didn't see them and was staring at the car...

I have to agree with you on this. My wife recently started a new job/career, and she was ready to go into the salary negotiation blind. Luckily, I did quite a bit of research about her new career, employer, and was able to tell her to expect at least 10k more than she was even thinking.

I'll put this here, since we have already been over this topic about 1980 years ago...

They do. The big secret is everyone does. It is a necessary step in executing the tweet, and it is so little information you can hold on to it.

binding agent? cheating.