I used to be a fan of Fakku but there were some months where I didn’t go onto the site and I missed the chance to download my favorites before they removed all the dojounshi and went premium only. Sad day for me.
I used to be a fan of Fakku but there were some months where I didn’t go onto the site and I missed the chance to download my favorites before they removed all the dojounshi and went premium only. Sad day for me.
Skills? Community management/customer support (because if you can deal with internet trolls you can pretty much handle any rowdy customer over the phone or in person, imo). QA testing (if you are one of the many streamers who stream games that are in alpha/beta) or sales. Or graphic design/video editing if you create…
You don’t need to play games to make money from Twitch streaming. There are several non-gaming categories (IRL, Creative, Music, Social Eating) and Twitch doesn’t only give partnerships to those who do stream video games. I follow this elderly German woman who is probably in her 80s and she streams herself reading…
Fairlight recently tweeted that there are subs in his chat who were talking about unsubbing because apparently to them Fairlight doesn’t stream enough - even though he streams 60 hours a week.
Haven’t played any of your top 4. I should probably consider it. Maybe.
As long as they don’t add all the romance crap to the re-makes, I’m fine with it. I’m not much of a fan of Awakening and onwards FE.
Nice follow up. Keep pushing!
Nintendo doesn’t mind. They even put “how to reroll” in the FAQ in the game.
G2A is garbage and everyone who supports it is also garbage.
Aww you didn’t mention the biggest WTF moment at AGDQ this year - when someone on the couch during the Super Metroid run grabbed a headset in order to tell the audience to kill themselves. A hot mic also caught him confirming that he was completely serious when he said that.
Can’t believe D.Va was 2nd most popular.
I see no difference in the asymmetrical and symmetrical versions... :(
Rainbow Six Siege is awesome. I don’t play it because my potato laptop can’t run it but I love watching my favorite streamer play it.
That Ahri person has issues.
It’s okay for a F2P game with no ads. It’s just got too much pressure on it because Pokemon. Though honestly I don’t know how hard Niantic is trying lol.
Eh. If he just left his character standing there, I can see why he got a temp ban. Most streamers have a “will be back soon” picture/graphic/still to put up if they leave for a bit. I’ve seen streamers take off for a very long time without penalty because they put one up. I don’t see Twitch getting bad publicity for…
I was gonna get Moon at first because I like blue but then I realized Sun has the better exclusives so I’m gonna get Sun.
It’s a good game. I saw a TwitchCon stream of it.
Guild Wars 2 and Stardew Valley are the only PC games I play (my laptop is old). Haven’t touched a console in months since I don’t own any current gen consoles.
This is why I avoid hetero otome games.