
The Saving and Loan collapse undermines your point. Hundreds of smaller “mini-banks” failing took taxpayer money to bail out that in turn laid the foundation for the much larger bailout to follow with commercial banking.

Vexatious litigants can find themselves on the losing end of legal fees in some states. I also didn’t catch which court this was filed in so it could be in small claims court where a lawyer isn’t needed and it is likely the best he can do is the cost of the pint. My guess is he just wants some notoriety.  

Bar soap is fine solo but for a guest bath very few want to use bar soap that might have been up against another persons privates. Bar soap also sucks for travel or going to the gym. Ultimately bodywash is more flexible and convenient in a variety of situations.

My wife and I book three seats on airlines now. Far cheaper than first class and reasonably comfortable. For us it is about needing some extra shoulder width up top.

The review basically describes most comic book crossover events. No surprise the movie was not going to forge a new path.

The NRA lemmings are a riot when they aren’t helping people get guns to shoot up schools.

This article should be on The Onion.

His shtick has a point even if it is crude. Putting a person under extreme stress by yelling at them simulates the pressure they will be under when a kitchen becomes overloaded, backed up and other variables they cannot control. While I wouldn’t condone this attitude in a workplace, for a training regiment where

They turned that offer down for two shows and a feature on Netflix.

We already pay for this. We pay for it on the back-end when uninsured go to the emergency room for care. When crime puts food on the table that working cannot. When parents cannot support their child and they go into the system. The big question we need to resolve is does investing in people upfront have a bigger

If a person lives in Florida or a couple other states, paying off a primary mortgage is often a very good idea. Florida has the strongest homestead laws in the country which allows a person to protect the money in their home from virtually all lawsuits, liens, etc. Most states have a limit and that limit is pretty low.

When half the white women in this country voted for Trump, a collective sigh was heard from everyone that has been trying to break down the deeply rooted barriers women constantly encounter. With this in mind it is no surprise that they still kneecap themselves on a seemingly constant basis with stories like these.

Pretty common for good bakeries to make X amount and sell until they are gone. This keeps the goods fresh and allows them to avoid using a freezer.

Sauce can also be sweetened with minced carrots. I also find it best to cook sauce very slowly the day before, refrigerate, reheat the day of and balance. Tomato based meals tend to meld fantastically over time.

If using a financial planner make sure they are a fiduciary. First, put money in the 401k up to a company’s match. Next, max a Roth. Afterwards, finish maxing the 401k. If you have an option for Vanguard funds, go with those. Maxing a 401k and Roth for 30 years puts a person around 1.5 million based on relatively low

The company is viable but that stock price is still ludicrous. It is a $150 stock at best right now which is what most shorters know but the stupidity of investors is knows no bounds.

I can understand limiting marketing, expanding education, etc but telling people what they cannot put inside their own bodies is massive government overreach. This method of thinking is the same argument that religious zealots use.  

There is only one really good film in the lot of them and that is Empire. Every other Star Wars film is simple writing that is glossed over with spectacle and toy advertisements. It worked for the first one, because it was the first of its kind and was excitingly new. However today we have movies that are both very

Student loans are exceptionally bad debt. They are unsecured notes that follow a person even through bankruptcy.

They are a tax free retirement accounts that consistently double every seven years on average. Even better is a large portion of the investment is effectively free because it is from the highest tax level a person pays so the more a person makes the better they are.