
Chances of anyone using this to bring Trump down, essentially zero. He will just use the moron defense.

Using a commodity as currency is guaranteed to be a roller coaster ride of value. Commodity markets are too easily manipulated. I am sure right now there is a group hording Bitcoin and will eventually dump it driving the price straight down allowing them to rinse and repeat.

Unless I am misunderstanding his statement, the real crime here is that he passes students that averaged a 63 in his class. Ooph.

Sadly he will probably win because apparently the GOP in Alabama believes a serial Pedophile is better than any Democrat.

Inappropriate. However the hijab isn’t without rightful controversy. For some women it is a choice. For others it is a clear subjugation of women’s rights.

One of the best American centric reads I have read in a while. On one hand we have institutional racism that is not surprising to many. On the other, a mom looking past color and trying to create a better world for her children. Inspiring and heartbreaking at the same time. Kudos.

How get an editor to do a quick proof of an article or at least the title before it is posted?

In this case exactly what did the violence make better? The white kid is now going to be even more likely to believe in his racist viewpoint. The african american kid certainly is going to have a rougher road ahead. Basically nothing was accomplished and a lot of harm was done.

Problem is the country’s workforce is divided over partisan BS. Race, religion, etc have all been used as a wedge to drive working class people apart creating such an effective rift there is very little way to see through it.

At the very least they should lose their jobs.

What amazes me is how the empty barrel comment hasn’t been applied to his own boss. If there ever was an “empty barrel” politician, Trump is the embodiment of it.

Once again Trump wins. He is taking peoples focus off policy and onto a subject matter that amounts to nothing and will lead to nothing. Trump is an ass... we already know this move on please.

Toyota Highlander Hybrid?

My suggestion is to round up all important papers, scan them and store them on the cloud. Fires, theft, floods, etc can all happen and having a copy of everything can make recovery after a disaster much, much easier. We use Google Drive.

The tax issue seems like such an easy fix: The first 20k each adult makes is tax free (5k for kids). Everyone pays 25% after that with no further deductibles. No capital gains, no hiding money in retirement vehicles, etc.

Takes longer but a pizza steel is the without a doubt the best method we have used to date. Creates the best crust of any home method we have tried by a huge margin. Only downside is the pre-heat.

Takes longer but a pizza steel is the without a doubt the best method we have used to date. Creates the best crust

Gossip even untrue gossip can ruin a career in a company. For many men I don’t believe they want the potential innuendo around the office or the possible fallout from a misconstrued comment. I believe women have every bit as much to offer as men in the workplace but to believe that there is no risk in outside work

His opinion is accurate when trying to hit a single target. Problem with his opinion is that the shooter was effectively shooting at the side of the barn where accuracy was effectively meaningless.

So the “no haggle” complaint here is that sometimes it isn’t the actual lowest price? If so, no shit sherlock.

When an officer gives an order to deplane, just do it.