
The CSA and DEA were started under a Republican president. They were further “improved” under another Republican president. Just say no!

You still have a co-pay and typically a 10%-30% coinsurance up to the max out-of-pocket. It is actually pretty stupid to go to the doctor just because at least until you hit the max out-of-pocket.

Because the rates prior to the ACA were for people without a pre-existing condition. Those that had a pre-existing were either denied or had a rate so jacked up it was completely unaffordable.

Insured have always payed for the under or non-insured people. You think hospitals eat the cost of people that cannot afford to pay? No, they jack up their rates and pass it on to the consumer. You think someone that gets into an accident, has a heart attack, etc won’t go to the ER if they don’t have insurance? You

His point was that a simple accident nearly bankrupted him. Had that been a surgery it would have.

It was if you didn’t have a pre-existing. If you had a pre-existing you couldn’t get insurance for anything approaching what you can now.

Once we allow state sponsored discrimination by any religious group in a governmental system, any exclusion can be created by stating religious values. Basically create a religion that believes non-white races are unnatural and it appears legal protections apply even if the group/club are funded by the state.

Simple economics... the more we kill off the poor, disabled and elderly the less we working folk have to pay in taxes. Next step is to monetize the less fortunate by allowing rich people to hunt them. It is a kindness.

Credit cards cover repairs to the rental car but typically not injury or liability. In most states, Credit Card companies cannot legally offer liability. Car insurance does cover those areas but make sure you have car insurance and it covers injury/liability before you deny rental insurance.

Those deductible numbers are very low and wrong in my experience. We do eligibility checks and the mean average deductible is around 4.5k in-network this year. Most small to mid-size companies don’t even offer insurance with a sub 1k deductible any longer and typical offerings start at 2k.

He says plenty of nutty and outright wrong statements but calling slaves immigrants isn’t one of them. Forced migration is still migration and slaves brought to the US were immigrants. It is a given that slavery and forced migration is the absolute worst way to be an immigrant.

WD-40 is technically a lubricant but not a very good one. Using it as a primary lubricant is not its intended purpose and it does not hold up.

Making fun of someone in a non-editorial section is completely out of line. Intentional or not that is a form of bullying. The paper should have apologized and they shouldn’t have needed a letter from the guy asking them to do so.

I didn’t vote for him, but he got into office because a large section of non-white voters simply didn’t show up to the voting booth.

What they did is horrible but the punishment should fit the crime. 20 and 15 year sentences are way too high in my opinion. They should be punished and hopefully rehabilitated but 20 years for being an idiot is harsh to say the least.

Most BoA branches take loose change if you have an account. They put it in a bag, send it off and deposit the balance into your account. Most around here no longer take coin rolls.

Perception... we are better off now than we have been historically. Sure there are some negative data points on the rise but as a whole we are doing very well. Sadly most on either side are able to see past their current self imposed misery.

What actual problem are these gender specific bathroom laws trying to solve? I am not talking about a theoretical problem but actual harm a specific person has suffered because of a transgendered person using a bathroom.

and probably a poor diet... and not spending a few minutes every other day moving... and genetics. If that schedule for a few years is all it takes, just about every decent full time software developer would be in the ground by now.

For a fast and tasty sauce that beats most jar sauces, buy a can of whole San Marzano tomatoes. Drain the juice, add a tablespoon of olive oil, teaspoon of salt and some organo and basil. Blend until you get a puree. Heat that up and put it on just about anything red sauce oriented. Process takes about 10 to 15