
The working class just voted in a modern robber baron. The fact that some have billions while most scrape by is the fundamental issue. Trump just pulled off an impressive feat conning the “average man” into voting in an elite of elites.

Smaller engines typically weigh less so there are other benefits. The real issue at hand is that these engines were over-tweaked for the mpg tests. If they designed and mapped them for everyday typical driving, downsizing can work. It won’t perform any miracles but no reason to throw the entire concept out the door

Evil Dead and its sequels?

It would be nice to hear the other side a bit more in this article. If the noise from the garage is consistent and substantial or goes on late hours into the night, as a neighbor I wouldn’t be happy about the situation either.

Give everyone a 20k deduction (2.5k per dependent) then tax all income above that including gains at 28% with no further deductions, loopholes or tax shelters beyond very specific retirement accounts namely 401k and IRAs. Simple and everyone is paying their share.

So they are probably going to “GTO” the “Bronco”. Sad... just sad.

Doesn’t seem to matter what Trump says. Even after his statements he is still well in the lead over Clinton in military polls.

If it helps, somehow Peterson has a habit of coming back from injury with spectacular results. Downside is he could be out for a week or 12.

I guess they completely ignored Homestead advantages. For example, owning a home in Florida provides the best home owner protections in the country and they provide capped property tax increases.

I am sure the replies to this are almost all negative. These players don’t get paid so at the very least they should expect their recruiters to have their end buttoned up. Being a top recruit (which has meant a lot of hours working out and playing hard) at the very least should get the respect of having his name

Since when did a massive chain restaurant that serves everything from a freezer become folksy and worthy of a photo op? They should at least buy from a locally owned restaurant.

If it were only security theater, that would be bad enough. We created an even larger security problem by installing those TSA checkpoints.

They probably feel cheated but I agree not the place or rather not the way to express those feelings.


Lady was at the gym trying to get/stay healthy... nice job from a very shallow person. Even the “apology” was about as shallow as it gets.

While I know it is technical, putting a “verbal abuse” flag on the match result screen would be a good start. Players that have high VA flags get grouped together. Same for the “I want to play with this guy” flag unlike now where it is buried deeper in the menus.

We put a big iron skillet in the oven at 550. When we are ready to sear our Sous Vide steaks we rub a bit of oil on the steaks (not much) and drop them on. Creates a nice crust without a lot of work.

Now playing

Ultimate beach “umbrella” maybe but isn’t nearly as good as the Cool Cabana. I have both and the Cool Cabana packs smaller, lighter, sets up/takes down faster and handles wind far better.

Ultimate beach “umbrella” maybe but isn’t nearly as good as the Cool Cabana. I have both and the Cool Cabana packs

Grown men fighting over a baseball game. Wonder if this happens at female sporting events?