
Goddammit, Google. Pick one! Hangouts, Messenger, Gchat, I don’t care. Just pick one, stick with it, and add new features as you go. How can they not get this?

I am not painting *you* as anything. I am also, in my way, as I mentioned up top, “a woman who supports Bernie,” although as a journalist I don’t throw my arms around any politician entirely and never will.

Yep, because once you get a “dishonest” narrative to stick, it’s really hard to get rid of it. You say you’re not a liar? Of course you’d say that! You’re a known liar! This is yet another lie!

Except everything they have done is working. Listen to the Bernie Bros who hate Hillary Clinton.


I’ve already read multiple posts on FB saying they’re digusted they now have to have these discussions with their children. You’re digusted that you now have to discuss being a loving, open minded person with your child? One who respects people and doesn’t judge them for who they are? You’re disgusted by having to

The swell thing about humans is that we can care about multiple things, often at once.

Well, little government certainly never built anything like the NYC subway. Main difference between say NY and Paris is that the French government allocates money to maintain important infrastructure while the US congress argues about whether to hold another meaningless vote on the affordable care act.

A cappella acts are the mimes of the music industry.

Blech. Sarandon. Rich, white woman wanting revolution that she can watch from another country while she sips on her martini.

Keep doing it. Keeeeeeeeeep aligning yourself with racists, Trump. Our country is diverse and many of those non-white voters are terrified of you. Dig your own grave, buddy. (eta: I realize this is about his supporters, not him, but like, come on)

I don’t think she needs them or can get them. Stupid and bigoted aren’t going to be won over by Hillary.

There’s plenty of them on Gawker.

I was going to scoff at this until I remembered the number of 18-30 year old “Bernie or Bust!” dudebros on Facebook who don’t have to worry about access to women’s healthcare or race relations and now I’m kind of nervous.

So, does anyone else remember the superstar wattage of the true 90s supermodels? Now it’s just a term thrown around for whatever vapid teenager whose combination of good looks and reality-show fame have made her flavour of the moment.

Jezebel is a contrarian website first so they’ll continue to hate on her till she finally puts Bernie out of our collective misery. Then they’ll dump on her for not doing an all women ticket and then they’ll complain about what cabinet positions she gives the women it’s an endless cycle.

Bombastic music aside, it looks a little just... I dunno... boring?

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

I will enjoy the tears of the misogynistic when HRC is elected president. It will feel so good watching them act like pissy babies when we have a female president.

ten highest paid staffers on Bernie Sanders’ campaign, not a single one is a woman.