
Congratulations on doggedly pursuing the point, and very nearly getting it within your grasp

You’ve missed the point if you think anyone is saying you shouldn’t be concerned about the direction the country is going or that you should be passive. The point is to examine WHY you back a certain candidate for the less overt biases that are inherent in support. And look at who you think is best capable of

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN!!!! Thank you for so perfectly saying what I’ve been trying to articulate and failing at.

I lean more towards Bernie but I think the complaint that Hillary isn’t feminist or liberal or whatever is BS. (FYI, I too am a non-white woman) I wish other Bernie supporters would take a page from Bernie’s book and stop with these stupid attacks and be respectful of his opponent. And also, stop posting bullshit

“...but lay off the Hillary is a racist who only supports white women mantra or only white women support Hillary nonsense. I’m not white and I’m supporting Hillary because I think she can win and I’m not buying the Bernie “anti-establishment” “purity” test for progressive policies.”

One look at this photo and the sound you’ll be hearing is a million Berniebro heads exploding.

Does anyone think that even if universal healthcare fails to pass that Sanders will simply just roll over? Or is the more likely scenario that he’ll fight for universal healthcare but take what he can get along the way, if that means solidifying and expanding the ACA?

Her family name is the bane of their existence, but if the republicans had to choose one set of policies from the two, it would be Hillary without a doubt.