OK, one thing with this episode really bugged me.
OK, one thing with this episode really bugged me.
Daredevil finds her painting a cherry blossom tree and drinking tea in the basement of a Chinatown dry cleaner
(Sigh) I don't know about your particular experience. But that isn't what this is about. Privilege is contextual. If you lived in Japan the situation would be different.
"sound ghetto" — you just illustrated my point. What' do you mean by "ghetto" ?
nobody said a comedian has to be lovable. But you really, really don't get the difference between actively hurting someone and laughing at their foibles? Do you like, have no human friends? Did you enjoy abusing other kids or something in school?
You are making the most basic mistaken assumption that everyone who hasn't done a little racism 101 does: you assume that racism has to be a) conscious and b) that the "rules of the game" don't matter.
" nowadays, any criticism of any black person is considered racist." — I'll take straw men and false equivalency for $300 Alex.
I think I can offer a working definition of punching down that gets what you'd like to get at without the buzzword-ness.
See above about the difference between punching up and punching down. The latter just makes you a bully.
I'd not call Robert a monster. His marriage to Cersei, if I recall correctly, wasn't entirely his doing (it was a political move more than anything else because the Lannisters helped him). I suspect he might not have even liked Cersei much, except insofar as she was hot and remember, in some ways Robert was still…
It's not so weird. You can be genetically identical to another person (see: identical twins) but your environment can differ enough that you develop nearsightedness, if slight. Eyestrain/ looking at screens all day can do that. (This is especially true as you get older).
That isn't quite true. It depends a lot on the state you are in and remember, the warrant issue disappears because Chuck is a private party. If you hang out with a bunch of meth dealers and secretly tape them cooking, and then hand over the video to the cops, it's actually admissible in many jurisdictions.
As noted, you don't always need to ask the other party if they consent to recordings. (This usually applies to over the phone conversations though). Two part consent is why you hear "this call may be recorded for training purposes" from marketers and customer service reps.
"They just didn't communicate that arc properly to all the other writers." - This, I think. :-)
ALso @johnnyneill:disqus — speaking as one acquainted with a family where someone always has to bail a guy out…
I kind of get the narrative device, but there were plenty of music outfits in the 70s that had no mobsters involved (at least not directly) so I'll disagree that it would clank hard — it would just require a little more creativity on the part of the writing staff.
I get that there are often different writers and such (and that it's common to TV) but as you note the bad integration between aspects of the show is just bad writing. Even though several writers can work on a series, it shouldn't appear that way when watching it — at least not so much so that you find yourself asking…
Ah, I wondered about that. I thought I heard "Yamanote" which is "uptown" in Tokyo (Yama - no - Te , mountain hands) and I was like "what the hell were a bunch of ancient ninjas doing in a trendy district full of fashionable boutiques?" But then I wasn't sure if I was hearing it wrong and that maybe it was "Yamanode"…
I've just started watching this show for the beginning (so I won't get to the finale for a couple of days). I'm not too worried about spoilers and such. Anyhow, I think thus far there are a lot of interesting things this show captures about the music business in the 70s. But yeah, the mob/ murder elements seem tacked…
I think the Neo is the bearded cop form her union, as he was in the room she was spying on, was he not?