
Male infertility can be caused by minor injury to their reproductive organs. In 2001, it was still wrong to grab anyone on the butt or punch anyone in their genitals. You simply needed to chose your friends better and basing your metric on their gender sounds... shallow. It also sounds like at 14 you preferred idiots

Watch the line on the road before the Tesla moves and where the Toyoda ends up. Anyone else notice any over exaggeration?

I hate to break this to you but Bald Eagles are dumpster birds. I mean that in the most respectful way. While most of the nation has laws protecting this bird- in Alaska they are everywhere during the summer months. They literally eat garbage and get struck by cars all the time. They are what pigeons are to Hawaii.

Or how about dont act in a way (even in private) that would influance an election if YOU ARE A MAJOR PARTY?

Better to be respected by 6 carrying you to your grave than laughed at by 12 jurors while you describe how you murdered someone while wearing a dog hat.

"Anyone can get any loan they want" : "Its what plants crave"

TO be fair Sunt Race FX was buggy to begin with. Had a new retail copy as a kid and that was one of the “play it til it freezes” kind of games. It was certainly pushing the hardware to its limits.

Ah fantastic. I've been waiting my whole life to be able to pickup a chair remotely and fly it out of a stone villa in a beautiful southern European country. Science, what will you do next?

Whats the old adage? Spinning the wheels faster just digs the hole deeper? You can offroad a civic, it still doesn’t make it a good choice but don’t let me keep those upper middle class soccer moms from driving up powerline roads in their overpriced luxury accessories.

........ someone could steal my cat and that fuqer cost more than a phone but you don’t see me "blowing it up".

"You wouldn’t go to a D list celebrity and say “I don’t think you should get paid. Maybe you should get a real job instead of following your dream.”

What kind of sh!t wonky coins fit in electrical outlets?

Haves and have nots. Car ownership has grown in cost when compared to the average person’s income. Now we all will “NEED” to have a fantastical magic car from apple or google to get on the highway because ONE driver car would preclude this magical road BS right out of the water. I don’t see Google or Apple building

No, those are Bat-Wrangler Jeans. Batman shops as Wal-bat-mart.

OMG someone Dukes of Hazarded the heck out of that Italian coupe.

That's why the movie Delorian from BTTF was left to rot on a backlot. People come to the tours and see the car then the movie fame fades and interest fades and bam- rusted Delorian missing most of its parts is found under some old matresses.

Uber is banned in my state- but I did watch a Youtube motovlog where a biker was ridding and Uber driver made an illegal u-turn in front of him and made him and other traffic wait while he made a three point turn across both lanes. So there is that.

Safer- not more effective. Less accidents taking a right than a left across traffic.

Anyone have a problem with doing fabrication AFTER paint? You don’t grind or weld near fresh paint. It was like fingernails on a chalkboard.

I'm too tall. 6ft 5 means my knees hit the dash.