

It does describe them but it doesn’t capture the automotive part of the equation.

You’re my favorite Tick character btw.

Then somewhere, on a web forum, people will write snarky quips about how it’s always the guys in the white Oakleys doing this.

Oh man. Exit wounds made me actually laugh at my desk.

Clearly they are a dumbass but this is like a specialized class of dumbass.

This happens so much surely someone has to have coined a term for these people?

For real, that’s a luxury auto right there.


Come on! It’s a nice car blog. Doesn’t someone want to take it over just a little bit?

They forcefully took control of England.

But where else will you buy your finest cigarettes and malt liquor?

The shoop of the dog reminds me of the inflatable Chinese sex beds.

The shoop of the dog reminds me of the inflatable Chinese sex beds.

He identifies as a family.

It’s not a car but it can hold your kids and their accessories and take them all wherever with relative easy, safety and comfort.

Personally I prefer Never Win from the same album.

Takata is really taking it on the chin, amirite?

Not in my cereal.