
I didn’t have the heart to point that out.

To be fair, most of these accidents are at Cars & Coffee events which tends to skew the stats. Mustang owners, unlike Camaro owners, don’t usually have to report back to the jail on Fridays.



Welcome to 2016 where every facet of life can be twisted as either racist or misogynist

Anybody else get tired of seeing this question/comment on every single drifting post?

How many little girls did he grope on the way to the car? That’s what the people want to hear from this liberal shill website....

Your assumption that, as an amputee, his life is somehow less fulfilling than yours, is offensive. And indicative of your ablist mindset.

The kind that doesn’t care what his co-workers thing about his ride?

You’re thinking of subarus.

I always wonder the same thing; granted the whole build is questionable, it is, his eyes different from the normal. would I build some thing like that? hell no; I mess with many car shows and builders; this car belongs in the under construction arena not on the roads. the thing that irks me, is how everyone pines for

I honestly hate that people think cars have to fall into one category or another. as if miatas have to have rollbars and tiny wheels added to be fun. if this was a 53 ford truck bagged and with visible body rust and other patina around you would probably like it. He is doing something different yes even for

Someone stirred up the Jalopnik hivemind. God forbid someone do something out of the norm.

All of Brooklyn is trash.

I once had Hurley Haywood tell me my feet were too big (size 13) to heel toe. He was sitting passenger and I just wasn’t doing it like he wanted. In my miata, I put ball of foot on brake and roll foot onto gas to blip.

Spoken like someone who has never ACTUALLY built a racecar...