
I promise. Truthfully, I can’t anyway because my blood pressure would kill me

Haha omg u poor thing, I can imagine they always give you flack for it!

Oh Jeb! I literally LOL’d

I only got halfway. Not bad if I do say so myself...any more and I would’ve burst into flames

Waiiiit wait wait...Her legal name is Angela White? Blac China....Angela White...dats funny right there

My dad died when I was 26..I cant imagine how difficult it is for her to function on stage. Rooting for her. :)

LOL @ her pawing at the window..don’t cats do that to get outside? Use ur legs boo

Her meow sounds pretty legit. I’m convinced. Is cat.

Someone needs to make a shirt

Found that ;)

Bobby! It’s 10:20am and no one is discussing Amber Rose’s tweets to Kayne yet

Duh it was the same! ! ! U lil sleauth!

Oooh shit! Lol he painted a car to re-gift? ! Lol thank you friend

I agree. why is it black people’s responsibilities to educate? It’s there in the countless books and stories white people choose to ignore. It’s frustrating to me because these slavery narrative films are sometimes the only way white people connect with black history, and they act outraged as if they had no idea,

Can u please explain to me some stuff?

Sure, but your speaking as if every parent raises their child this way..I live in the south...we are not yet this idealistic feminist society where all men have been exposed to naked bodies from childhood. We’re talking about 2016. I agree we have to start somewhere, and I think that somewhere is gender-neutral


This movie is stupid because it caters to an infinitesimally small group of people. Guess ruined the two major demographics that would’ve helped you sell your movie: period-piece fans like me would never see this because of zombies. And then, my zombie loving partner would NEVER watch a Jane Austen flick.

Fuck..this makes me so angry.

Every girl I know has used a fake engagement ring at least once. And it’s fucking sad and disgusting and I hate that we have to be afraid.