
The guards are killing prisoners based upon their ability to guess a hat color, and are at a minimum, giving one prisoner a 50/50 chance of being killed for guessing wrong. Forget extra information, I will sneak an elephant past these guards if the result will save lives. :)

My solution?
When you guess the color of your hat, answer normally if the hat on the person in front of you is Red, and use an agreed upon affectation if it is Blue. Something like taking obviously long to say the word blue, (i.e. "bluuuuuuueeeeeee") or saying it like it's a question ("blue?) or with a falsetto voice.

That groove doesn't have to be wide open like that. Picture a rubics cube where the left third and right third spin, but the center third can remain in place. There can be a much smaller gap between the two rotating hemispheres to allow less intake of debris.

This article needs more Zoids.

New mouth. New rules.

Distinctive? 9 states have grits...

Are you sure this is a HOT air balloon?

Moses, not Noah.

There is a chance he was talking about the production of the movie, and not the movie itself...

They did, but they dyed or otherwise ruined their hair and wore bad makeup so you couldn't see them underneath. They were that pretty, but they didn't know it and didn't want you to know it either.

Thank you. How do you have three Punisher movies and three Blade movies, but only two Superman movies?

I won't be surprised if they bring Quicksilver back again, since he was so well received in DoFP.

I haven't read the books. Why is there no 1, 2, 5, 8, or 11?

Thank you.

Maybe?? I liked both.

I don't remember ever picking a favorite letter, but I do have a least favorite letter. I'm looking at you, W! Three syllables for one letter? I could say UU in 2/3rds the time it takes to name you. And look, I didn't need to use you a single time in this entire post, except to call you out. Time to cut the alphabet

heard Creedence Clearwater Revival's "There's a bad moon on the rise," as "There's a bathroom on the right."

I love that MI has knock-knock jokes.

That will be the one and only Hodor POV chapter.

"Matter was first created out of pure energy in 1997 at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center when a powerful electron beam was fired into a laser beam of photons."