
I had a class with Ray one semester when I was at Rutgers... He was a nice guy, aside from class discussions we spoke here and there between buildings. Whenever we would be walking into the building at the same time I would open it and keep my arm raised (I'm 6'3 and he is seriously like 5'5 brick shtihouse), and he

Is ranting the code word for being a thug in the comments section? TeacherKaye's post was quite measured. Did you feel intimidated?

How is that Street Harassment/Hollaback hustle/scam working out for you people? Unfortunately, for you, footage and reports of black men getting killed for breathing kind of derailed that funding source. Maybe try again next summer? The NFL well may dry up soon!

I'm pretty sure "what did she expect?" is not the appropriate reaction to a woman facing sexism in the workplace.

It's Bible trivia time! According to many scholars, the word that's normally translated "rib" was originally meant as a support structure, such as a beam, splint, or mast. The meaning is unclear, but likely is a euphemism for the baculum (penis bone). Most animals, even most primates, have one, but not humans.

Whatever. It's her party. She's ok with their larger agenda re: women; she can hardly complain when she gets a taste of the icing.

I will turn his wife into chili and ask him how it tastes and when he complains (I'm sure he'll complain because I'm a woman with a job and not a professional stay at home lady) I'll tell him it was made with a lesser cut of meat. OOPS YOU JUST ATE YOUR WIFE.

I interpreted Bey's Insta like this: here a picture of beautiful princess North who looks longingly at my lap as if to say: I want to go to there.

You get it.

I think North not looking at the camera is her throwing shade on both of them like, "I am too cute for this petty bullshit."

Chillax, yo.

There is a rather amazing degree of pettiness displayed by older men, particularly in the media, that I very much enjoy. Maybe it's because I like seeing men display the exact behaviors that are almost solely attributed to women...

I mean, I don't think she does. But what human woman has never had to quietly tolerate the mildly annoying partner of one of their partner's friends? Like, in my own life-which-is-nothing-like-Beyonce's, I don't really care if they break up or get divorced. I just will never, ever be friends with that girl because

Has there ever been a public pic in which Bey is looking in Kim's direction (not like at her, but just in her general direction)?

His utter disdain for it is a thing of beauty.

Or we'll all pretend like a media-fabricated feud is totally real when, in fact, we have ZERO insight into the actual relationship of these two. Take your pick.

omg do you know them personally and the history and inner workings of their relationship? Cool!

Kara, I think you're slowly seeping into my brain in a good way. I saw that instagram of North, Bey and Kim today and I was like THIS MIGHT BE SHADE. And I desperately hoped you would cover it. Thank god you did. Now I have my answer. Plus I might be getting better at discerning said shade.

As soon as I read that interview with Pattinson this am I did a literal spit take and said: "Shade." Really loudly in my office.

I HATED him for so long and now I cannot help but love him for being so obviously aware of how terrible twilight is.