
Just sayin'

I think I remember this episode.

It's bullshit that she was even allowed to keep competing. After going over on her ankle, she should have lost.

Michael Morton, who we presume is the only Red Sox fan in New Zealand...

But not the only baseball fan. Peter Jackson has been a big Diamondbacks supporter since they earned their one ring.

...It just looks like you added a foreskin to the plane.

Cool, though I don't like being reminded miley cyrus exists


Looks the same to me. If you think you can tell the difference, you're obviously a fanboy.

too bad I have a PS3 fat power cable. =/

Now playing

New Zealand is pretty unlucky that Mexico screwed up their World Cup qualifiers.

The sad part? It is almost two weeks later and she is still in character.

Why is filming vertically on a phone even allowed?

My god Erin Andrews is bad at live TV. Good thing she has that whole "someone took pictures of me naked" thing going for her.

He's a catcher. That tends to happen.

As previously announced, Deadspin writers will suit up for Boston.