Hi, are you Jeff or Shane? Just wondering for uh, research purposes...
Hi, are you Jeff or Shane? Just wondering for uh, research purposes...
Didn’t they already say they would allow his abusive rhetoric? https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2019/publicinterest.html
Twitter has become a cancer on todays society. It serves absolutely zero purpose other than to give the uninformed a platform to troll the people who actually know what they are talking about. I do not understand why people still engage the platform at all.
I thought it was just me with regards to how Star looks very ‘dead like’ without makeup. It’s like he’s literally been drained of all bodily fluids. His skin has all these blue-black discolorations. I’ve often wondered if it’s illness, drugs or a combination thereof...
My sister and sometimes play the game “how much would they have to pay you to watch that?” - usually with movies. (For instance, I recently expressed that I would require $150 to sit through “Judy” - it looks depressing and cheesy, and I find Renee Zellweger generally irritating.)
Jeffree Star always looks so terrible that I’m baffled anyone would want to emulate...that
“please buy our stuff, we're not emotionally or intellectually equipped to have real jobs"
Aside from being racist trash/an all-around terrible person, Jeffree Star always looks so terrible that I’m baffled anyone would want to emulate...that. “Reanimated corpse” would seriously be too complimentary.
I got a 24 hour ban for calling Sean Spicer and Trump bitches back in 2016.
Literally, I tweeted “You’re a bitch.”
been trying this for months now. I report all kinds of tweets and nothing happens. Maybe the solution is that everyone gets off twitter so he’s the only one on it?
What’s the possibility of charging Dorsey with a crime down the road for allowing the raging Cheeto to incite a civil war on his platform?
Because Trump has and always will be, a keyboard warrior.
It absolutely is. There is no substitute for the President’s direct, personal, and immediate outreach to his followers of literally anything on his mind at that second. Yes, he can call press conferences, yes, he can put out press releases, but there’s nothing that has the same ability to disseminate his point of view…
But it’s a win-win! If Dorsey won’t throw Chump off the system despite repeated blatant and serious violations of the terms, the class action suit from everyone who has been banned will bankrupt that neo-fascist fuck!
What would make Trump the most unhinged?
But gosh, I love that she did this anyway.
I really don’t see the point. He would just post stuff on FB or some other platform and then there would be a million bots/supporters that share screenshots to twitter anyways.
Aren’t his constant displays of idiocy ultimately useful, though? At some point he’s going to go too far even for the lumpen braying asses that make up his core constituency, and in any event, he’s busy laying down evidence for an eventual trial, whilst energizing the opposition in the bargain. If your enemy is intent…
Yeah but think of the ad revenue loss for banning him? all those promoted tweets not being viewed. I think it’s a fair trade off. A few hundred thousand views of ads vs the possibility of mass violence within he US.
Ya that’s not happening, Jack won’t kick his bff off his free app, because you know presidential harassment.