I’ve learned that the best jobs tend to be ones where they’re just giving you money to do a job and go home. Every place I’ve worked that had a “mission” or some kind of lofty goal was an absolute dumpster fire, and then tried to guilt everyone into accepting shitty conditions, treatment, or pay because it was “for…
I noticed my women bosses were hired by men, therefore had to be “tough” to prove themselves worthy.
Every “woke” start-up begins with let’s say, decent intentions but then quickly realizes that if it wants to stay in business, it needs to make money and their “intentions” quickly melt away.
Capitalism and Patriarchy go hand-in-hand, but Patriarchy has a lot of other partners on his dance card.
That’s the thing, though. What company’s known not to be shitty?
It’s almost like capitalism and feminism don’t go well together.
Yep. And Mike Pence’s daughter got engaged in Provincetown, of all places, so I feel like we’re getting really close to a Pence coming out of the closet.
I’m sure this will be just as successful as Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” was for Patti.
Yes, but it’s called “boofing” now.
Is butt-chugging out? I came in late to that phenomenon so I’m hoping there’s still some mileage to be had from that.
Do not vape, but snort adderall .
someone should create a documentary which tracks down these audience members, have them recount the experience and show us how the car, if still in their possession, has fared.
same, 25 years here. psychic scammers all seem to use the same playbook and are easy to identify.
Let me just say that I’ve been reading cards for people for decades.
I know someone who was told by a psychic that she would have a one-night-stand that would lead to a baby and the baby would end up bringing her and the father closer together until they realized they were actually soul mates and would marry. This woman is now out there f*cking randos without protection bc she wants the…