You know what would be funny? If some of those bicyclists had two way radios and told their buddies further up the hill and they threw spike strips out on the road. To see one of these assholes rolling coal on four flat tires would be funny.
You know what would be funny? If some of those bicyclists had two way radios and told their buddies further up the hill and they threw spike strips out on the road. To see one of these assholes rolling coal on four flat tires would be funny.
That sounds remarkably similar to my experience playing forza on acid.
It’s based on the e36 platform, runs the same engine, and even has a designation of e36/7 (convertible) or e36/8 (coupe). I’d say it’s a 3-series variant.
What an idiotic, baseless thing to say.
Sometimes I think “maybe the police really are there to help us instead of making a massive profit.” and then I see this and I am reminded how wrong that is.
haptic feedback that kicks you in the ass at the same time
In a Red Foreman voice that periodically tells you ‘don’t be a dumbass!’
Why? If Aston Martin want to debase themselves to the point of pimping SUVs to Yanks, taking that uncouth business over there is the least they can do.
Neutral: I’m probably in the minority, but I’d like tech features that make people better and safer drivers.
What they have done is left off all the auxiliary lights and rally spec tires 2 things that can be fixed. This is all part of the rally everything campaign.
I can’t imagine that in a world where Netflix and Amazon are ramping up original content that the execs at either aren’t willing to Thunderdome their own mothers to get a Clarkson-headed car show under their respective brand.
I think the go F&I people have a sixth sense (or perhaps got a tip from the salesperson) about who will buy and who won’t.
“Now you got all your belongings out of the Mazda you are trading right? Especially your EZ Pass? People always forget their EZ Pass. So enjoy your new car, wear your seat-belt and be careful out there.”
I got the hard sell with my Gen Coupe. The finance guy went through his entire pitch, even taking the time to draw out diagrams and timeliness of how their warranty package stacked up against the factory package. Talked about the standard stuff, under coating, paint and fabric sealant, 3M protection, etc. etc. etc.…
Let me see here... at $160,000.00, the 540C is only ~$296.00 per C. The Alfa Romeo 4C at, call it $60,000, works out to $15,000.00 per C. That makes this McLaren remarkable value for money.