A 50/50 split took away the republican majority. It didn’t create a democratic one and most certainly didn’t create a progressive one.
A 50/50 split took away the republican majority. It didn’t create a democratic one and most certainly didn’t create a progressive one.
Even more important than police reform — ELECTIONS. Want to still have a democracy in 5 years?
it’s a FEATURE
Hell, the Overton window is so far right that the mainstream Democratic caucus is basically the 1980s GOP.
Should people be disappointed/frustrated, etc? Absolutely. We didn’t elect Biden and give the Dems a majority just for them to cave into conservatives in their own party. Should anyone be surprised? Nope.
Which shows how far-right wingnut the modern GOP has become, by comparison.
Moderate Democrats are conservatives.
Here in San Francisco, we had a public defender, Jeff Adachi, who actually put together a defense of a suspect arrested at a muni station after being beaten by the police. The police charged him with assaulting the officers, and Adachi actually got him off by arguing that he had a rational fear of police brutality,…
I might be wrong but didn’t companies already say “be less black” with their rules about hair. They just weren’t blatant enough to actually use the words. Which makes me wonder why they thought “be less white” would work out for them. Or maybe they knew it wouldn’t and it was deliberate. Yeah I’m taking option 2.
Seems like a fitting place to drop this:
I disagree.
So, I know that we’re definitely supposed to think that Wanda was the one who banished Monica — but given how fast and loose this show is playing with “reality” we don’t actually know if it was her or a still-unseen third party.
In a town of 2,500, of course they know each other.
Louisiana you say? Where the average black person is traumatized by simply living there? Best thing black people can do in that state is Get Out. The black political leaders ain't gon do shit there either. Look up cancer alley.
The FBI released their report that white supremacists are “infiltrating” law enforcemenet. “Infiltrating”? That’s like breaking into your own house.
Now THAT’S a Jalop story!
Oh no! We won’t get to hear her shred the truth for 10 - 14 days? Bummer.
Cameron has said that the jurors were free to pursue additional charges
and that’s really the insulting thing
When I first started reading I thought “ugh must we give her any coverage at all?” but I actually think bringing up her documented racism in a time that she’s trying to rehabilitate her image is important.