I think what he meant was “If 5 people had accosted me the same way, I too would have pulled out my weapon and called the police” rather than”If I’d been the cop at the scene, I too would have arrested you instead of the mob beating you”. I think he just worded it very, very poorly. And that’s not in any way to excuse…
“As I told Mr. McCray, if I were faced with similar circumstances, I would have probably done the same thing,” the Sheriff said in a statement. “I have apologized to Mr. McCray, and I appreciate his patience as I have worked through these matters.”
Im out here waiting now and the fucking storm of the century is brewing on top of the insane lines
Black people are playing a game of ethics with an unethical person.. a devil’s wager if you will. Violence is a byproduct of the CONSTANT “beating” people are taking (sometimes literal, most often psychological/emotional/financial/educational/societal). When someone speaks out, they are silenced and drowned out by the…
For me the disconnect is: violence has been working against black people and for white people for centuries! So tell me how it doesn’t work.
Plenty of Karen’s went from Obama to Trump. They are as quick to kill us as they are to swoon over us.
I especially love that the rescue took the dog back from her. I guarantee you, this woman is the type of Karen who takes her dog into normally dog-free areas, and when people ask her to leave because it’s not a licenced service animal, she snaps back that “Don’t you know he’s a rescue? He’ll feel abandoned and have a…
I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.
we’re going to destroy the American way of life in these families
“I’m going to do a news!”
I figured, since no one else is going into the office, I’d run into exactly as many strangers at the empty office as I would at home, and since I use the free gym on my lunch break.... welp... I’m here. At work.
I don’t necessarily believe any medical reports the White House releases, but it would be both hilarious and helpful if Trump and Pence came down with influenza B and then pneumonia.
They don’t even have to die, just be incapacitated long enough Pelosi can do some things that make sense instead of making it worse.
I don’t think being on or off my own property is one of the elements of brandishing in California.
or “Grounds for promotion”
“Now even the Conservatives in the Supreme Court are with Trump and the GOP’s corruption and racism. America as we once knew it is over”
I like Wade, but am bitter over his judging in the dunk contest last night. Aaron Gordon robbed again! He did an unplanned dunk over Tacko Fall!
the malware apps in question are so bizarre and pointless, you’d have to be the dumbest Android user on Earth to download them in the first place