
I always chuckle whenever I hear about white people in America wanting to bring forth reminders about who committed atrocities toward whom in our past.

On your list of shitty things - which one must assume are just generally speaking equally shitty things to you - you listed Derek Carr for possibly crying on the field. And then directly below that, you listed that Aaron Hernandez KILLED A GUY.

Just about everything from the write up before the interview touched on fuller answers that were going to be given in the interview below it - except for her full answer to her centering a movie about colonialism and the destruction of a brown peoples’ way of life around a white woman. Based on what I saw in the write

Been married for over 10 years now. I was also not sure what to call her for the first 5 or so years. As such, I’ve taken to addressing her, very loudly usually, as “My Momma!” Typically followed by a hug.

Aside from a funeral, I can’t really think of anywhere wearing this would actually offend someone, but I don’t know the minds of American Airlines flight attendants well enough, I think.

Wait, so the Dothraki are going with the Unsullied to Naath? A land chock full of peaceful people and bad bitches? And this is supposed to end well? Man .... now that’s a new show that I want to see. Will the Unsullied still listen to Grey Worm? He’ll want to protect the people of Naath from the Dothraki, who will

I assume that this, quite simply, blows the made for TV movie out of the water, country, and hemisphere.

I think you’re right about everything except this particular interview. Because in this particular interview, we’re all laughing at this stupid motherfucker for trying to cry his way outta this shit. And applauding Gayle for not giving him any applause for his acting performance.

“A forgettable Saturday Night Live" is EVERY Saturday Night Live, and always has been, with very few exceptions. The eras where it wasn't was really just a few great actors turning an hour of bad comedy into hilarious comedy for 5 minutes. Then back to terrible. This institution is garbage. 

My greatest hope is that they will file this, and it will go before a judge, and the judge will say “.... Well, this was a nose hair away from having a do-over on December 4th anyway, right? Well, with all of this evidence in front of me, I’ll just go ahead and put the re-vote on the docket for December 4th. Semper fi

I expressed to my wife that I was shocked that this debate wasn’t going to be nationally broadcast, like the Florida governor’s debate was, considering the national attention it’s gotten. But after seeing how that poop extravaganza went down, I’m pretty glad it wasn’t. Kemp slow slogging through his answers and having

Kemp is trash, as anyone along with me in GA has known since his first primary ad with him blowing shit up and revving chainsaws. And he should be worried about all of us “The Blacks” voting in record numbers. He should be very worried about it, because that’s what’s about to happen. It doesn’t really matter who he

You made it all the way through the article, and I thought you weren’t gonna bring it up, but you just had to. Our eternal pain. 28-3. *sigh* One day, my Falcons. One day we won’t fuck it up.

Manslaughter. Okay, I guess. With a whole heaping side of criminal negligence. Just charge her with as much shit as possible is all I’m saying.

I specifically came to the comments section to quote that. “Now”? Now?! Where the fuck you been? Australia?!

The Studio - “Sure, you can make the movie. We just have a few strings we’re gonna attach to it.”

Dolphins. More like humans than we ever, ever wanted to believe.

Hang in there, Flora. We’re fucking counting on you.

Clearly you don’t know enough about Revolvoution’s star rule to understand it right now, or comment on it.

This is your one terrible pun for the day. You’ve used it well, I must admit. But no more!

This is your one terrible pun for the day. You’ve used it well, I must admit. But no more!