
Surprise surprise... man who is supposed to deal with harrassment/abuse turns out to be doing those things themselves. Seriously we need to kick men out of all such posts.

It makes me sad to see that the equal rights amendment (ERA) isn’t in that list. It shows me we’ve come far. We have to protect what we have. But we also have to keep pushing forward.

Yup this is the cruz of the matter and this really should be the top post. Beyond religion, fascism, conservatism - beyond all of them it is patriachy that is the biggest threat to women everywhere. Its the largest system in place to keep the largest ever population down, that is literally half the human race.

In terms of womens rights, availability or lack of abortion is actually pretty high up in this list. Probably in the top 5 actually with ability to get an education, protection from abusive men, being able to get healthcare, having a public voice.

Things are so biased in their favour, they don’t even know. Or maybe they do, and that’s why they try to backlash so strongly against any progression.

Ok this comment is going to get buried but I still wanted to start this conversation.

This is what worries me most, Im in my mid twenties and I’ve seen plenty of people my age and under who either a) have no idea about issues surrounding racism/sexism or b) are racist/sexist.

I would say abortion is. Controlling women is stronger than supremacy of white people. Both are pretty close. Like one is 7/10, the other is 7.5/10. We have to remember though even in homogenous cultures where racism isnt a thing, slut shaming/putting women down, keeping women as 2nd class still is a huge thing.

As usual more than racism its sexism that takes the day. Controlling womens bodies is the most. important. thing. ever. And nothing else matters.

Yeah I thought I was a prude for a long time for not wanting to watch any sex scenes anywhere. Now I realise I probably picked up on it being forced and a perverted fantasy for some creepy dude.

I don’t like graphic sex either, mostly likely 99% of the time the sex scenes in our media are due to perverted creepy men wanting it there. So really something in our gut tells us to skip past it.

Dude why are you in a relationship with this person still. It sounds like he’s just taken up your life in so many ways. Seriously reading your comments has only made me more certain that its the single life thats right for me.

Im with you. I have no plans to marry whatsoever. And I cannot beleive despite the evidence why so many women let themselves be fooled these days. Like in the past women couldn’t survive without a marriage but today.... well lets just say societal brainwashing is intense.

I am so here for this :D Natalie Portman and Oscar Issac is the type of couple I write fan fics about anyway. :D

Which shows that capitalism isn’t the biggest force out there. Clearly sexism and the patriachy is. This is a great example for anytime another dudebro tries to explain away sexism as more of a capitalist issue not a gender/sex baed issue.

Seriously at this stage I don’t understand why the bigger conversation isnt: is sexual intercourse worth it. So many problems for just a bit of feel good. It doesn’t add up.

White menand men in general tend to be more sexist and racist (MOC will be more racist towards other minorities. Women who want to live/be accepted/build lives with men will take on board their shitty views. Especially women who already believe that men know better. But even educated women do this.

I don’t know how women do it. I am single woman and I don’t think I could do any of this stereotypically womanly emotional/household labour bs. I would literally just let everything fall apart.

Woman here, I complain all the time.

Abuse at home has a huge part in every conversation regarding -isms. The way police might target black men more, is the same level women get targeted by all men for domestic violence.