
@moe52: Debatable.

@0x00000000: Why not? I don't really think it matters what his personal choice is.

@This user was banned: You don't want to loop powercords. I don't remember the exact reason, but I think it had to due with it creating some electrostatic field and over working the cord.

@liger_rider: Then I will make a list of everyone who was not in the two places

So this is Art, eh?

Well with this program I made in Visual Basic, I'll be able to enhance a cross-reference list of people who attended the Relay for Life in Stevens County and people who stayed at Treasure Island in 2009.

@The Squalor Also Rises: Also, as I said in another reply, Hitler had a great appreciation for art. For example, he purposely avoided bombing runs that would damage the Louvre.

@EBone: Hitler actually had a huge respect for art. For example, he very carefully avoiding bombing runs that might damage the Louvre.

And what of the pink one?

Did Giz capitalize his comments, or did it come like that in the e-mail?


@Stinger47: Tragedy is when you cut your finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die.

heh, that is kind of funny.

@Arran: Perpendicular, actually.