
What about the Soviet experiment where they kept a severed dog head alive?

And the English majors cry themselves to sleep.

I thought Kevin Kelly was the founder of Wired?

@Stickybear: Wasn't there some odd controversy about this video?

What? Your vagina doesn't whine?

@photoplex: Exactly. No one wants to fornicate with a twig.

Yeah, I butt dialed my dad once while I was getting hand happy with a girl.

"tawkon doesn't yet support your mobile device" =[

I kind of like a bit of weight in a bike. It lets you know that it's there.

how did they achieve that paint job on the wall in photo 1? I love that.

What's 'Yahoo!'?

It's funny how two very similar religions can cause so much hatred and animosity, something both religions disproves of.

Faster or not, it's fuckin' cool.

Until your kid wants to go to college.

False. my Incredible can't hold 120 gigs of music.

Anyone have an ikea link to that desk?

It looks like the bubbles are dematerializing

What kind of shitty pilot wouldn't realize that something was wrong?