God dammit, why do people keep giving Jenny McCarthy work?
God dammit, why do people keep giving Jenny McCarthy work?
Yes, an ass-grab and a shoulder-tap are definitely equivalent actions! No, your question is not blatantly disingenuous!
Become a race baiting nationalist and the crosses and garlic come out. FIFY. Though I can see where the two terms are mutually inclusive these days.
“Computer! Do a ‘HACK’ to Crooked Hillary!!”
let’s keep in mind that applying logic to to the actions of those who suffer from serious mental illness issues is fucking stupid.
I’ve seen him probably thirty times since 1981, and the Broadway show was an emotional, throughly enthralling experience. Good thing you won’t be watching. Nobody shouts for “Rosalita” at the end.
An acquaintance of mine had an uncle who wrote a screenplay and produced an Eastwood film (I won’t name which one). According to the family lore, he had another film deal, and Eastwood cut him out of it completely. He sued and won, but Eastwood ensured he never got any more work. Their much longer account of the…
I’m so sad! I had coffee with Ms. Locke a few years ago to discuss a project. She was so lovely. Kind, smart, a little eccentric, but really a joy to spend a morning drinking coffee (she had tea) and talking about film. She was such a talented woman, both as an actress and filmmaker. She will be missed.
I can’t drink anymore because of GERD. My savior in situations where everyone is drinking is to tell the bartender, “Make me a mocktail, anything you like.” (Sorry for the hated word.) The results are usually yummy and no one questions that I’m not drinking. My favorite so far has been a non-alcoholic Mojito. It’s…
And if it made another $100 million, it might have actually broken even.
I hear in this one Spider-Man does whatever a spider can, from spinning a web of any size to catching thieves just like flies!
Um if you’re a pianist with poor eyesight who needs to have all your scores with you throughout a day of different gigs, then yes, you might need an iPad Pro.
Um if you’re a pianist with poor eyesight who needs to have all your scores with you throughout a day of different…
Agreed. What also needs to die a swift death is liberals eating their own over trivial bullshit.
They’re just trying to apply the Jeremy Bearimy approach to scheduling.
...to play stuff older than a PS1 with no issues.
...to play stuff older than a PS1 with no issues.
Bullshit. Not wanting to reply to EVERY twitter @ is not “dodging question.” Twitter is not a journalism site. I call bullshit on these accusations. #MeToo should not be just about believing at face value every accusation.
Rhymes with “wank alone”?
...Germans love David Hasselhoff?
I think we all know who isn’t tired of playing Rocky Balboa.