I like the concept, but does anyone else find it mildly off-putting/confusing that each chunk of hours - regardless if it is 1, 2, 4, or 7 hours - is the same size? It makes for a nice visual at first, but may still be unnecessarily confusing.
I like the concept, but does anyone else find it mildly off-putting/confusing that each chunk of hours - regardless if it is 1, 2, 4, or 7 hours - is the same size? It makes for a nice visual at first, but may still be unnecessarily confusing.
Draw yourself a Venn Diagram of people who are poor and people who will scam others by throwing themselves in front of cars. You’ll notice that not every poor person will pursue that deceit. If you hate poor people, that’s your prerogative, but at least realize that not every poor person is a scam artist.
Dude, the person you responded to was talking about the car-hit-scammers, not poor people in general.
…in game of life!
Mongo only pawn in game of life…
Hah, my wife loves the Buckhead Diner even though it offends my NJ-origin sensibilities.
Adam, I think this may be worth noting in your article.
Extra points for your username/comment synergy!
I’m honestly excited that we will be one of the few areas in the country with actual competition between internet service providers. Hopefully it will result in better pricing and better service...but I’ll remain skeptical until things actually play out.
Midtown Atlanta resident here! Very excited for this possibility. Very skeptical about this reality.
"Oh well in that case, I have good news," he smiled as wide as he could. "You can just close iTunes, whenever it opens. Let me show you how."
Thanks for confirming that you weren't pretending and are in fact an idiot.
Are you really an idiot or are you just pretending? Either way, your comment deserves zero respect since it shows zero respect for reality.
I see you've played knifey knifey knifey spoony spoony spoony before!
Yeah, but the premise gets exhausting after a few minutes.
I use it here in Atlanta, and nearly 1/4 of my updates are along the lines of "I saw a black man. Called the cops!" It's both useful for the reasons above and frighteningly enlightening to see how people think.
So, if that's the case, why doesn't he just announce the endings?
Being a new-ish Atlanta resident and never having been to a game yet, I don't think I've actually called it anything other than Turner Field. But I can't imagine myself ever calling something "The Ted."
Because habits are hard to break! I have a Dropbox account and pay for 1 TB of space. I also have shared folders with each of my brothers and parents, and we can exchange photos/videos/documents/etc through them. We probably could change our whole family to something else, but stasis is so much easier.