
My mom (born 1938) is routinely horrified at the dating stories my sister and I tell — getting stood up, the slow fade, hearing "I really, REALL like you" one day and "get the hell out of my life" the next, comments about my weight and appearance, open ogling at other women, constantly rescheduling dates, bailing in

It makes me feel...

One of the biggest reasons why the world is full of assholes is because of a lack of empathy. People can't understand what it's like to be treated a certain way, and so they can never wrap their heads around why it's wrong to treat other people like shit... unless it happens to them. Which is pretty much what's

Put your pageviews where your mouth is. You're the one who clicked on the article.

I now have a fabulous (as the gay[s] put it) grandson to raise...

When do men feel most unattractive?

yes Gurl!

Now playing

All I can think of while watching this are this:

Ain't nobody got time for that!

I'm an alpha female, and I like my husband. Cheating is gross and stupid regardless of who is the cheater.

Deliberately causing emotional pain (they always find out) to another person does deserve to be shamed. Just because it involves sex does not mean it is slut-shaming.

People who serially cheat or engage in "Weiner" type conduct whether male or female are just seeking validation and using sexual behavior and tracking responses to measure their worth.

Gross. Just gross. If you want an open relationship, fine. Be open with your partner and see if you can work out something that is amenable to both. But cheating? Jesus, show some respect for your relationship or just end it outright.

"You need to give your husband a blow job every day. He should feel like a king."

Narcissism's a bitch.

how perfect is he as Gianni Versace? I think my new life-goal is working in any capacity for the lifetime channel. They are the James Franco of Cable. and Im talking "James franco General Hospital as Franco" Era, when there were still shadows of self awareness and ruin american literature wasn't his main past time.

I've been a little out of the loop on this, admittedly. But it's my understanding that the majority of Americans support the ACA. So....the house GOP are pitching a fit to try and block its implementation, and as a result shutting down the federal government. Am I correct here?

I'm not offended by the drugs or nudity, Rihanna just annoys me because she tries soo damn hard to be a badass that its actually cringe-worthy. It's kind of boring, really. At this point I'd find her more interesting if she Instagrammed herself eating cereal in her pajamas.

If you ask me, Jessie J has more talent than Rihanna.