

Those are... actually not that bad? Goodell will probably ban him for 2 games for showing a personality, though.

Manning continued, “That being said, I will be having spinal reconstruction surgery Wednesday afternoon to fuse six of my vertebrae together.”

hate myself for laughing at that, but I did

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“Make America Great Again!"

Is that James Blake?

Wish there was sound so we could hear the cop shouting “stop resisting!”

worth it

If there is a just god in this universe, she was yelling “What are thooooooooooooooose?!”

This is even more impressive when you realize the officer was unseeded.

People who think Boston is the best city in the world have only been there and Akron.

Then you come across a photo of what D-Mac actually looks like which can only be described as a hamster with glasses

Yep this is the stat line of guy who is unquestionably done:

Arrieta the first pitcher to no-hit the 2007 Phillies.

I believe that’s called “masturbation.”


Shocking that his profile pic is a Pats logo