He’s the same guy that grabbed Suarez’s junk and swiftly got a fist to the jaw 2 years ago...
He’s the same guy that grabbed Suarez’s junk and swiftly got a fist to the jaw 2 years ago...
im on my phone taking a dump right now =]
18 Irish lads on a Stag trip, it was a great trip!
I live in California I made it out to Tenerife and back via Dublin with hotel included for under $1500 and im making part time security guard/Paying off student loans money =]
nice! +1
Tenerife is a cheap place to get to and a cheap place to drink 1 euro pints 11-7pm makes for longs days and even longer nights,
Remember when (6o something ranked) Ireland beat them 4-1 in November! good times =]
Never fully grasped the logic of hey he hit a homerun and watched it, lets plunk him or his team mates... If i was a pro i’d happily “pimp” my homers then take a heater in the back for a free base up my on base percentage.
pity that score board is out there now because that would have ended up in a window across the street!
he was outside the box though, i think he’s been watching Manuel Neuer too much!!
Who knew Chris Kyle was a Cubs fan?!?
She should have had a full beer cup!
Luis Suarez could nutmeg a mermaid!
competing for a play off spot and winning one is a whole different story (the raiders believe they compete for super bowls every year), 1 play off appearance in the last 5 years? Havent won the division since 2009... He must be THAT good... He has every right to hold out though, he may get a bigger deal if/when the…
The Kop were singing "your agent's a knob, your agent's a knobbbb, Raheem Sterling your agents a knob"
That title of being a great player in england just means hell be sold to Barca or RM for a kings ransom!
I've flown with them out of Dublin going to Kerry, Liverpool, and Manchester, you are on the plane for no longer than 45 mins with those routes, and I still hated them... but by god they are cheap tickets.
touche sir, touche!
They are the 3rd best team in Liverpool, Right behind Liverpool and the Liverpool Reserves. Basically they are less popular than Ringo Starr!
Suarez's took way better technique, but both were amazing goals.... and Suarez did that at Norwich the previous year too! now im crying because i miss suarez =..[ thank dick. =]