Callidora Black

I'm a New Yorker. It tastes much better when you fold the sucker in half and eat it. Deep dish, sicilian, and other thick crust pizza, you obviously have to skip the folding, but would still rather pick it up and eat it with my hands unless it's not holding together. Eating pizza with a knife and fork is like eating a

I would say in these examples, the original designer of the gown provides the entire idea.

Troll. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Not really, it's just a catchy way to rebrand an eating disorder.

Or don't have kids.

Mr. Number has been working for me marvelously. Maybe you could try that.

I'm sorry, but I tried Feedly, and it SUCKS. NewsBlur is so much better.

Or even just put ads on the international version.

I did figure something out with Firefox. The version posted on the Mozilla add-on page doesn't work at all. The beta does. However, the issue with the beta is that I've had to save my custom settings to a file and reload them and that the window pops up every time I open YouTube. However, when I'm on YouTube for a few

Does this douche nozzle realize that it's the same thing with anti-depressants and many other medications...?

I don't get this shit at all. Seriously, if someone doesn't want a pet that might piss on the floor, either don't get a pet or get fish. Fish aren't gonna pee anywhere, and they won't poop anywhere but where you put them. If they do manage to poop on the floor, that means they've jumped out while you were gone and