
Fellow sufferer, I was afraid the comments would be judgmental as well. What a relief to see caring and support. I’m so sorry about your brother.

Thank you all for filling this comment stream with so much love, understanding and support. I made the mistake of wandering onto some comments on Facebook. People were cruel and judgemental. I suffer from depression and anxiety and lost my dear brother to depression. Judgmental comments are so hard to read. Thank you

Okay anyone out there suffering: please get help. You can text LISTEN to 839863. You can call 1-800-273-8255 i8f you are going through any kind of crisis This happens to be our local Reno office and I feel confident they are highly trained in helping LGBTQ people, veterans, domestic violence, and sexual assault

Maybe there’s just too many people

I’ve been having some very unkind thoughts about my husband and while I feel really bad about it I also feel relief to finally acknowledge them. Therapy would be good but I’m pretty sure the outcome would be a divorce and that’s not in anyone’s best interest right now. So I’m posting it here because I have to say it

Evening, Jezzies!

Thanks! Doxyclyin made me want to barf. It was so intense. I was only able to last four days.

I would argue that being a contributing writer for Fox News automatically makes you a shittier parent than Chip and Joanna Gaines, but what do I know?

I don’t think much about his wig.

Congratulations on everything! I’ve been told that there is never actually an ideal time to have a baby :D. I have no kids, so I cannot speak from experience, but my sister has had 3.

How’s this for a reply (if it doesn’t constitute ‘making a scene’, that is)?: “Wow, you’ve got a lot more wrinkles/grayer hair!”

I am so sorry you are feeling all these things. If it matters, what you did or didn’t do in college REALLY doesn’t matter in the long run. There’s no “oh you only partied A LITTLE BIT in college?” or anything.

I think it’s a mix of Kinja being screwed up for a few months, a lot more assholes around, a certain prominent commenter who continues to take up a lot of space (including replying to himself in Barf Bag to push his comments to the top), and Univision imploding. This place seriously sucks now so I imagine a lot of

I think people have gotten frustrated by being in the greys eternally. Some consistent commenters were out of the greys and then got banned for petty reasons and they left. I feel like very few new people are out of the greys lately so people get bored of commenting and never getting any interaction with anyone due to

I brought this up a couple weeks ago. I don’t know what caused the large drop off but I do know the new kinja makes it harder for people in the grey’s because you can’t really see them

I don’t post very often, but I’m a little fucking petrified and I just need to express it somewhere.

Is it my imagination or has Jezebel lost a lot of commenters? Some articles barely have 50 comments. Where did everyone go?

I am out of sorts today. Everyone and everything is just pissing me off to the point that I am gritting my teeth to even be remotely human. I told Sadie to piss off if she was going to continue eating her own ass like that. I told Middle Child that for mother’s day I just wanted a nap and maybe to be left alone for a

The difference between “existing” and “living” is like the difference between flat ginger ale and Cristal champagne. I’m so incredibly happy for you—you deserve ALL the bubbles!