
EVERY INDUSTRY is full of power-tripping jerks. The Plausible Denialists want you to say “Oh, it’s just Hollywood, oh, it’s just academia, it’s just tech, it’s just the music business, it’s just journalism and media.” The whole point is that it’s not. It’s men in power harassing and oppressing women particularly in

That August, sitting on a beach in Connecticut with her parents, she made up her mind. “ ‘Guys, I think I’m going to start a blog,’ ” she told them. “ ‘It’s going to be about women and putting them and their narrative and their story at the forefront and giving them a voice and a platform and just really encouraging

But you know what would be swell? Not another old white man...

See Also: Bernie Sanders. I don’t care if our politics are aligned, old white men GTFOH.

It’ll be infuriating. He has every flaw leftists said made Hillary untenable times 100 and they won’t have nearly the same amount of bile for him.

A BBQ joint near me sells malt salt - salt with evaporated malt vinegar. All of the vinegary goodness of salt and vinegar chip, with the healthiness of popcorn

I agree with M&M’s or Mixed Arare as a mixin to!

Longtime lurker, first time caller. Just a little blue & lonely after someone stole our presents out of the lobby, 3 different delivery dates/ 3 different thefts. Makes me think it’s someone in our building who decided they like our taste— Ugh Seattle! But counting my blessings, which include these 365 Candy Cane

Well, worst case, they can always cut her out and replace her with Christopher Plummer.

Or a Martian on his way to Boston.

I wish you’d run up and down the thread and post that link in response to EVERY SINGLE MAN in here “butbutbut”-ting and doing the #NotMe like Russell Simmons and the #NotAllMen like a full-on Matt Damon. That piece was written just about a decade ago, and we’re still having this conversation. Literally tens of

Joke’s on us, Meghan’s gonna embarrass us all by choosing a see thru Pnina Tornai.

Maybe thank Hillary. Who went around with pneumonia trying to serve the public.

I am going to reclaim my time spent reviewing that list and point out the notable absence of the Honorable Maxine Waters of California.

100% agreed. I’m on celexa and Wellbutrin and they’ve quite literally saved my life. I’ve been in therapy for YEARS, and it’s been very helpful, but you can only accomplish so much work with a therapist when getting out of bed is a Herculean task.

I totally agree with you. It is sad. It’s not sad that people take antidepressants or anxiety medication, it’s sad that people, especially so many people *need* to take it. I’m happy people get some kind of relief but there’s something wrong in a society where so many people are debilitatingly sad and anxious and

No, it doesn’t make me sad, it makes me constantly elated and in love with modern science that has produced such a miracle! No more throwing myself against a random building as i walk home because suddenly the sadness of the universe is too much to bear and I’m sobbing....I still get sad and mad and all the other

“Fetus” -> “extra small attached babyperson”

Hi. After a horrendous 11 hour day, tonight is not the night I write my