
Hey Nike! Android need some love too bra!

Is JR's sister gonna have to choke a bitch?

*back at Apple HQ

I bet you Disney is going to get all the Banana Grabber animation and merchandising rights

Only my PIN number

You done N####, you done!

"commitment to excellence"

Oh this? No no, I just like the smell

Everybody is too busy being witty to explain what was illegal about the damn play.

If y'all can't cook, this doesn't concern you

The million dollar question: Is CP3 a blood or crip?

It's not the filters, it's the ego trip you get with amount of followers you amass.

That was amazing.

I wouldn't not recommend the Roto Deep Fryer since they don't even sell replacement filters yet. Deep fry some fish, and you're assed out.

Too bad I still have to give my life story away in order to link an app to FB.

This is why it's hard to like you Sony. All this proprietary bullshit has got to stop.

It's about time. Now he won't be under powered on FIFA.

I used to over-eat all the time while growing up. I'm not talking about seconds here, but thirds! Now that I exercise, and cook 90% of my meals, I get that "full" feeling with less food. Last thanksgiving my mom damn near shook her head because I only had one plate. She felt as if her cooking was sub-par(which it

I'm not going to lie. I've been waiting for a while to bust out this gem of a gif. Other posts that had to do with race weren't good enough until now.

I'm not gonna lie. I've been dying to use this gif