
I swear to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I thought they were the same person!

I remember bullies when I was a kid but I don't remember them being so evil. I wonder if virtual worlds, like Second Life, and social media are really fucking us up. I mean, they're worlds where there are no consequences and it might be hard to move back to the real world. And kids are stupid anyway.

What I hate about those stupid emails is that the idiot senders make my email public to all their idiot friends, and they do the same again and again and again. Is there something that can be done AFTER the idiots had done that?

I love veggie sticks (carrots, celery, etc.) with hummus or peanut butter. I think you guys suggested to carry that in a mason jar.

Good point.

I didn't know people thought that Tamiflu can stop the flu. Growing up I was told by many that the flu has to run its course and flu medications just make the symptoms more bearable. But I didn't grow up in America so maybe there's that.

My thoughts exactly. She deserved what she got.

These people didn't vote for Romney, they voted for Jesus. And Jesus is huge among the uneducated, superstitious, desperate, traditional, etc.

Not exactly. It's the same as almond butter, at first you think that you won't get the buttery texture but after 20 minutes or so, the oils start to break (?) or something and the paste become very creamy and spreadable. FYI, I tried to do the same thing with chestnuts but they don't have as much oil so it never

Anything is better than the Lost finale. I'm sure the whole Whiteney tun is stil better.

A lot because I use 1-liter pots to make tea. I drink 1 pot of black tea in the morning. If I'm at home or I can make tea, it's 1-3 pots of black (if I'm tired) or green tea in the afternoon. Before going to bed I drink another liter of green tea but sometimes it's a non-caffeinated infusion or tisanes (thank you

And I thought gelatin couldn't be more disgusting ;)

I love donkeys! One of the most gorgeous books ever written in Spanish is called 'Platero and I' by Nobel Laureate Juan Ramon Jimenez. It's about the relationship between a man and his donkey who he basically considered a delicate child. The first lines are some of my favorite ever:

That's a really low blow. Even if it were true and she was a pill popper, what do you care? Everybody washes down their happy pills with alcohol, I do it all the time, it's awesome.

The graphic clearly says 2.1x Normal Rate. If someone is mislead by the chart s/he is a complete idiot or can't read.

Didn't work for me either :\

Some of my friends do it too—I have no respect for them. I hate hate people that drink and drive, getting high and drive is no different.

"one of the best Radiohead albums ever made"

Hear hear. The Obama's are a beautiful, loving family. The Romney's are Stepford Wives creepy.

Regardless of what people do, I think a Romney victory would really be the end of the Great America: a country that was the indisputable leader in so many areas. It would now be run by greedy corporations and ignorant people. Scientists would have to go to other countries or work for international companies in order