I get that there are a lot of factors (angle, lighting, to whom it is attached, etc) but in general I have not found that women enjoy looking at a mans penis just for the sake of its inherent beauty.
I get that there are a lot of factors (angle, lighting, to whom it is attached, etc) but in general I have not found that women enjoy looking at a mans penis just for the sake of its inherent beauty.
I only wanna see one when it’s ready to work and has been specifically requested to report for duty.
Ugh I am hetero and still do not want male genitals on my screen ever. Like Elaine said on Seinfeld, the female body is a work of art, while the male body is all lumpy and not nice to look at (paraphrasing) on the episode where Jerry’s girlfriend does everything naked, including opening pickle jars, and he is turned…
I thought we were past the ridiculous and totally unprovable claims that someone else could have beaten Trump.
Well.... President Obama is a Constitutional Law scholar, and a successful politician, and generally a pretty cerebral guy.
Yes, just keep employing those false equivalencies for Obama and Trump.
Love you, HamNo, but my only response to this is: No fucking shit. The warnings were around for months and months and months, but the DNC still nominated the only candidate who could possibly make Trump seem palatable. (“She still won the popular vote!” BFD. The Boston Red Sox had the best batting average in the…
Ivanka angers me because I feel like a wolf in sheep’s clothing is in some ways even worse than an outright wolf. Not only is she just as poisonous as her father, she might be a bit worse than him because she doesn’t even have the guts to be a blatant asshole. She just hides her soullessness behind that classy,…
I said it before when the majority of people were tiptoeing around calling invanka out on her shit cos she had been groomed, but that woman is dangerous.
Huh. “A standard retard.”
Some things can’t be fixed because they came out broken. I know the natural and human thing is to look for any explanation for why people behave and think a certain way but sometimes you just have to accept that people are assholes because they were born assholes and a change in geography, education, huge bank account…
Unless they could not vote for any reason or they had to deal with voter suppression i would put a large amount of 40% who did not vote in that pile. If they did not care enough to stop a fascist from being President, then i doubt they care about racism or will help us deal with the rise of the far-right.
I understand what you’re saying but as someone who joined a march a couple weeks ago from Long Island City, Queens to Trump Tower (nearly 2,ooo strong and not paid—sorry Donald), our mission was more to let immigrants know that they are welcome here. I would have NEVER expected to see such a rise in hate crimes in New…
This. Flood their rural towns and protest. Crowd around their city’s crown jewel (I’m thinking a 24 hr Mc.Donalds?) and raise hell.
Please remember to not ungrey the comments of trolls that reply to your thread. Simply dismiss their idiocy. If you want to reply to their comment, simply post said comment in a reply to yourself with the troll’s dismissed comment linked. Also do your part to inform other people of trolls on their threads.
Yeah, I think people making fun of this are seriously underestimating the thought that goes into these kinds of shoots and cover designs. It is not an accident that Trump’s cover image resembles Hitler’s in several significant ways. It’s not an accident that unlike every other Time Person of the Year cover in the…
Such a fat gross balding slob. SAD!