this....this is a better synopsis of why we suck than anything you could have written drew. nothing against you, but this lady takes the cake.
this....this is a better synopsis of why we suck than anything you could have written drew. nothing against you, but this lady takes the cake.
“If The Daily Show had any effect on our actual political culture, it was probably to the benefit of conservatives. In its absence, many young liberals might have confronted the George W. Bush years and engaged in actual political projects, like the campus left of the 1960s.”
Good Kinja.
I can’t think of a joke to convey how fucking terrible that AZ announcing crew is.
Nah, this is Frank Grimes shit.
There is no international team I hate more, and it’s solely because of the fans. They are a bunch of trash and urine throwing jabronis, and they are proud of it. It’s like if Philly fans had a national team.
So, basically, we need more honkeys in sports!
Amy Schumer falls into the sometimes hot / sometimes not category where I find Emma Stone and Anna Kendrick. Just something about that face. It reminds me of Miss Piggy from the Muppets movies I used to watch as a kid.
And goddammit, can we please stop rising for “God Bless America” in the seventh? It’s not the national anthem. I’m not getting off my ass twice in one game to fellate the flag again.
Yeah, I’m with you. Another benefit to that-sometimes I want my bag checked but don’t want to pay for it so i’ll just be last and then the airline is forced to check it for free.
Guarantee that Rousey double shank legs Coerria right off of a rear choke helix. If Coerria lasts through all of that, I’d be surprised if Rousey doesn’t immediately force a Janckman’s Plexus on her and shatter her buttonhook. Coerria’s only shot is a quick, accurate Miranda’s Reversal into a hog-nosed bat tap. Once…
As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.
That went about as well as any fight where the combined age of the participants is 92 years old.
What a massive downgrade, the old jerseys look so much better. Every NBA team should hire whoever designed the Bucks new jerseys.
Croatia and their checkered past
This is Good Slack.
A Cleveland fan calling out bandwagoners? MY SIDES HAVE IMPLODED
Timofey Mozgov: Oh, sure. Now they want Russian bath.
No, major league baseball does not abide by your local co-ed softball rules.
Hearing “SEC” uttered, Dan Gilbert immediately bolted from Quicken Loans Arena.