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It's not close to my favourite show but hell, The Inner Light from ST:TNG is easily the best for me. It's one of the few episodes of an ongoing science fiction show that manages to grasp at the promise of the written genre. It's not space battles, it's not even conflict really but it's the soul of Asimov, Ballard and

"Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space." - Douglas Adams

For some reason, every time I see news or images from this movie, all I can think about is Pigs in Space. No clue why.

The question isn't where, my dear, but... when?

That is my favorite episode. I cry, every time. Don't ask me to explain it, just pass the tissues.

I agree that Community is better and I'd love it if it had TBBT's following, but there's no reason a person can't be a fan of both shows.

That's correct, he didn't start the fire, because it was always burning since the world's been turning. At least according to this man:

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It's definitely fun to speculate, but this Ancient Aliens Debunked documentary does provide some more grounded insight.

I'm going with my old standby:

No water + no baths = very gritty people, indeed.

I'm glad this weird-ass thing exists, and that I can see photos of it - but man, it sounds awful to actually attend.

Heat is not my friend. And this would be heat + overpowering B.O.

The pygmalion effect is something that's discussed among teachers, if not by that name. There's the phenomenon where students from tougher, less-advantaged or disadvantaged backgrounds aren't expected to be able to perform at grade-level, and they generally don't; but if you flip that and demand more out of those

I sometimes get the feeling that when you even mention that the lead in a huge mainstream-appeal movie is a female (in the uncommon cases where this is the situation), people start getting out their pitchforks and are instantly convinced it will either be a "chick flick" or female-empowerment based movie. I'm a cynic

I don't really think girl power is a main component of this film. However I think Sandra is a main component of this film. And she is female. And as a female I'm not going to not comment on how fantastic it is to see a woman in a drama carry a massive film like this. It's a good film. There's no rah rah women or else

It's movie about science, about space, and concerns a fictional event that isn't even remotely like anything that's ever happened. So is it science fiction? I think we can agree that some would say no and some would say yes. But is it the kind of story that appeals to people who like science fiction, because it


And that was the last folly the people of London ever embarked on...

She's been my choice forever. Please, Marvel, make this movie before Sackhoff is too old the be interested in/right for the role. Don't break my heart the way Claudia Black getting too old for Wonder Woman did.