
Yeah, I thought it had to do with how silly it would be to go traipsing in the front door with a dragon living there (or even possibly living there). I can't remember for certain in the book, but I know in the animated movie, that's why they use the secret entrance. Gandalf mocks Thorin for even suggesting it.

I can tell you it won't look like it does in my head... Because it mostly looks like the 77 animated film. Thorin not sounding like Hans Conried also throws me off :P

To be fair, the scene with Daffy and Donald is still considered a cameo.

I'm hoping he just misspoke. All Godzilla, no matter how silly or serious, is scifi. There is no possible way to make it so that it isn't.

To be fair, the Splinter and Shredder changes were putting them back like the comics, so they weren't something new. The 80s toon is the only time Splintere actually was Yoshi, as far as I know.

Agreed. We'll see how this goes, but that's one change I'm really unsure about.

While it looks really pretty, I'm not sure about this movie yet. I wish there were more practical effects, but I never really expect them anymore.

Agreed. I love the show and would have definitely bought figures if they'd been made. Shame it didn't happen.

I've wondered the same thing. Though the community College premise always led to issues like that.

Just in case you didn't know, Harmon is part of the stop motion film project Charlie Kaufman and Starburns Inc has on kickstarter. It looks like it should be pretty crazy.

It really feels like kids movies from the 80s that didn't talk down to us. Seeing as that was part of the inspiration, it's not surprising.

Cave Trolls and Pacific Rim suits are the best things ever :D

The fact that one of them is the horned king is mind blowingly amazing :D

Cool viral commercial. I hope this movie turns out well.

They could very well do that in that actual movie. This is just a viral commercial which of course will show a tease for the RoboCop model. They probably won't go all out with that storyline this time, but who knows right now.

This has me so full of joy that I can't accurately express it.

That is incredibly awesome. It makes my heart all warm and fuzzy

To be fair, it's just the comic con poster. I'm sure later posters will feature actors.

I'm glad to be seeing some good reviews for this. I'm actually starting to get kind of excited... I probably won't see it until this weekend though.

I'm hoping Jameson shows up in part 2 and is still played by JK Simmons. There is no one better for the role.