calembouriste: part deux

Yes, obviously, murder is not a good thing, but how can this woman be held to the same standard as someone of sound mind who had a relatively normal upbringing? Most of us would know we had other options. Did she? Did she fully comprehend that she had legal options, given her upbringing, and the physical/mental

I’m going to have to disagree with you on that one. It sort of justifies it. I’m not saying she should go free, but 10 years sounds about right to me

I read the piece by Buzzfeed the other day. Although quite a long article, I was stricken and gob smacked at what this young woman went through during her childhood into adulthood. It doesn’t justify what she did but what does it say about society that she thought this was her only way out.

All hail Ruby Woo by MAC. Its the best blue-red out there and has been for years.

All hail Ruby Woo by MAC. Its the best blue-red out there and has been for years.

I call my sister randomly, yell “TOEPICK” at her and then hang up.

I’m sorry.

Recently rewatched the Truman Show. I had forgotten how often his supposed family and friends are constantly marketing products. Made me think of the Kardashians and now this piece of news comes along. reality tv is bizarre.

Not really. She’s intersex. She’s not fighting her body to feminize it by taking hormones, but she’s not supplementing her body either through doping. She just is existing as herself. It’s tricky as fuck. There’s a reason men and women have separate categories for racing, and unfortunately there isn’t an in between or

The article seems to use hyperandrogenic and hypoandrogenic interchangeably.

Oh. Banned from the app. Well, that’s ok then, they have done something.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I would like to share my hero’s Rio Gold win, boxer Claressa Shields!

I urge y’all to write a story about Claressa Shields. She just won gold in boxing for the second time in a row and it wasn’t even close. She’s from Flint, Michigan. She was disappointed she get more attention/endorsements after the last Olympics and thinks it was because she doesn’t fit the “pretty” image of other

I’m obsesses by the female track and field athletes at the Olympics. OBSESSED. I can’t say anything that everyone doesn’t already know about what incredible athletes they are. They make me feel lazy as fuck and like I’ve only used about 5% of my physical potential. But on a side note, I love that so many of them run

Seriously. I’m not sure how accurate they are (as is the case with any study), but some “studies have shown” that men who consume large amounts of porn can’t even get it up for “real” women anymore. They look at a certain very unrealistic ideal and no flesh and blood woman can fulfill that fantasy.

Like any other addiction, pornography use can make an already sick person worse. I doubt if you’re healthy that moderate use of porn will change much about you.

It is shocking how bright and articulate she is, especially given what she went through. She seems to have gotten very capable help, which is wonderful. I’m glad she is able to live a normal life. She’s certainly got an excuse for struggling, but she doesn’t appear to be.

She wasn’t a child bride. She was little girl who was kidnapped and repeatedly raped. Not a bride. Rape victim.

What was done to her was beyond unforgivable. But it wasn’t the porn’s fault; it was solely the fault of the evil waste of life who abducted her. Blaming porn is like blaming video games for Columbine.

Yes, currently they are

Sounds like the Olympics are going swimmingly.