calembouriste: part deux

I never really *got* Wonder Woman before this. Now I am sitting here wanting nothing more than to be her, and am upset that I wasted a whole childhood not pretending I was Wonder Woman at all times.

I posted this on io9, but fuck it, I’m posting it here because it perfectly sums up my emotions when watching the trailer:

YUSSSS. “What I do is not up to you” is the tagline I have been waiting my whole life for.

I think it got cracked after watching Kim's snapchat....

It’s definitely too much house for the location, but Taylor Swift didn’t commission it, did she?

Celebs like to get bespoke designer cracks in their phone screens. I’m betting Taylor’s screen was specially cracked by Gucci or some shit.

Lady Gaga and Kanye were meant to do a joint tour, which was cancelled due to the Taylor Swift interrupting.

Apparently, they were meant to start at opposites of the stage/stadium/whatever venue, then eventually meet in the middle by the end of the concert.

She’s just biding her time until Apple gives her a new Iphone 7 free weeks before the public gets them. Why buy phone insurance when you know the manufacturer will just give you something for free now that it’s out that your last free item was damaged.

I think she’s only doing that because she’s talking to shorter people. I don’t see her hunching in most photos. You did remind me to sit up straight, so good work there.

Tall people problems. My posture was shitty for years before I started weight training.

She believed her own hype. Because the Taylor versus Kanye story always went her way in the past, she thought it would continue that way.

Listen, if I can can afford phone insurance, she surely can. I never understand how celebs have cracked screens.

I don’t care whether or not people agree with Kanye about Beyonce’s video- going up and interrupting someone like that was just hateful. Thinking something and acting out in a way that hurts someone who did nothing to you are two very different things.

The only time I haven’t supported Kanye was when he revealed himself as a Cosby apologist but other than that, I overlook the egomania. If it were a white musician with that bravado, most people wouldn’t bat an eye. And it’s not like Kanye doesn’t have the work to backup his claims of greatness, his music is

1. Amber Rose is awesome.

Taylor would really benefit from a few months out of view. With her Tommy Hilfigerish Instagram shoots and the colossal eye-roll that has been her and Hiddleston, and now these receipts I’d say we’re at a 100% Taylor Saturation Point.

In a two party system it can be difficult choosing between pragmatism, and voting your conscience.

I used to do all my house cleaning on a single day of the week. Or at least that was the plan. Spoiler alert - it didn’t work out.

My new plan is to split up the house work Monday-Thursday, with Friday reserved for mowing the yard and cleaning the car. I set a timer for 20 minutes and whatever I don’t get done I