calembouriste: part deux

Right there with you! Only child, girl, all girl cousins. For my own part, I took my maiden name as a second middle name, so now I have four names. Legally, I’m First Last, but I still incorporate my maiden name fairly often. I got married right before grad school, and so I decided to use “First Maiden Married” on

Today I took my sweet baby girl cat for a physical at our new(ish) vet. During that visit, the vet discovered a little thickening around her right knee and wanted to x-ray to see what was causing it. She’s only about 6, so we wouldn’t expect to see arthritis so soon.

Sitting in my basement watching this and my mid-90s American Girl dolls are in a box in the laundry room. A clear box. And I need to put the towels in the dryer.

MacDuff is a GREAT name for a cat! Especially such a handsome fellow who wears bow ties. I love it.

If I ever lose my burner key, my next name will be The Quesadilla Contessa.

When I was 18, I was excited to be able to vote.

The sweet little puppy ate a mushroom while playing outside, and it happened to have lethal toxicity. He was on puppy life support, but it destroyed his liver and his immune system never recovered. 😔 It happened about a week ago.

Pumpkin beer is gross! Why is it a thing?

I love this thread! The answers are so interesting.

Double thank you! :) All I can think is...

This is awesome. Reading your list of names, I was shocked to see so many familiar names of regular, great commenters and learn they were in the greys! If anything, I feel a little better about being in the greys - I’m in good company. Thanks for doing this and enriching the discourse here on Jez. :)

Rachel, I had a shitty Monday. I’ve been up for hours.

Ugh, I can relate SO much to this (just sub “management consultant” for “lawyer” and I’ve been through the same!)

Other Jezzies have provided awesome feedback on how to handle the situation, so just came here to say that I sympathize with getting shit feedback, and I’m glad we have this community.

Jane Austen aside, I see a Sally Lunn’s brochure in the Header image, and that place is DELICIOUS! I remember eating lunch there in Bath 15 years ago on a rainy March day, and it was fabulous. Amazing soup, delicious bread. Mmm. Definitely worth a visit, particularly since it’s located in the oldest house in Bath that

I’m really hoping that “doppy” here is short for doppelgänger.

AHH. This comment literally made me shiver with fear!

Oh man. I had a sweet, sweet Golden as a child (creatively named by 4 year old me: Goldy). I was 7 or 8 when Homeward Bound came out and I cried - and continue to cry- EVERY time Shadow comes limping over the hill. Even hearing the swell of that music makes me choke up. Right now in the office, typing this I am

Omg! Rita Ora is tossing pizza dough at Antico in Atlanta (literally like 2 miles from where I live).

But, Bobby, which one are you??