
Well, I very sincerely apologize for whatever negative experiences with men may have brought you to this destination. And I mean that with zero sarcasm. I come from a background where my mother literally ranked her children in order of who could provide for her the most, and as soon as one of us (male or female, I

The elephant in the room is: who makes more money? Should the person who makes more money expect the other to do more around the house? Is there anything wrong with that expectation? If partner a is making 70-80% of the money, are they an asshole for assuming partner b will do most of the housework? How much of the

And I’m sure at no point throughout these women’s entire dating life did they EVER encounter a man who would be honored to be an equal partner in child care, housework, etc.

jokes aside, what happened with Richard Jewell is truly one of the saddest things in American history.

if the kid made better music I doubt we would be seeing as much opposition to his fame. I know that my opinion means nothing to you (your “subjective” comment was pretty telling lmao) but a hip hop has ALWAYS had an adversarial relationship with amount of success not being in line with level of talent (Macklemore

You must have a REALLY healthy diet then. And that's not sarcasm. People who don't eat as much toxic shit keep a better musk

Cardi B drugged countless men and then robbed them, that much we know for sure, they were also probably some transphobic comments made from her social media page, which she denies. That’s not some cute quirky origin story, that’s assault, robbery, and complete disregard of agency. Any critique of the hurtful behaviors

have a superior at work who pivoted and does the opposite. He literally doesn’t compliment women, ever. If they do a good job on a project, nothing. We have monthly meetings where we announce the sales leaders in various departments, if the leader is a woman, a very perfunctory “great job” whereas men get long

J.K. Rowling would like a word with you, just as soon as she's done being a transphobic piece of shit

1) Didn’t she cheat on him? Did they not both make songs that say, in no uncertain terms, that she cheated on him?

Recently watched it with my good friend and his girlfriend. Both of us had seen it but he had not. I remember being around the age of the characters in The mid-2000s and discovering the movie, thinking it was the edgiest most real depiction ever put on film. And while I'm not doubting the realism, the just turned 30

My mother would like you guys to know that Chrises Isaak and Meloni are BOTH in their sixties and looking like a fucking snack. They are on her “JFK Jr. Memorial white man mt rushmore” along with Jake Gyllenhaal and one but not the other Property Brother

Crazy how no one mentions the “power dynamics” at play when Jennifer Lopez and Britney Spears are marrying/fucking choreographers and backup dancers, and that’s plural for each.

I’m not even a huge Timberlake fan, I find his music and image to be a little bit self-aggrandizing, but let’s be real here. 1) he absolutely was cheated on. Now, whether or not you think he has the right to be upset about that then or now is up to you, but being upset about your famous partner’s infidelity and

This, on its face, is not complicated at all. If he comes within 500 yards of her, jail for the rest of his life. They need to do more, so do more. Yes it is complex but we have id’d this as an issue so lets fix it. Anything less than that, and the system has failed both victim and abuser.

 if I was guessing, she is Southern. Eating clay was a very common practice of the slaves and the first few Generations after that, because it is the best and most affordable way to get the iron the land has. Michael Jordan, who was only born in 1963, has mentioned eating clay when he visited his grandparents as a

My mum’s fiance has been doing security at an arena for almost 3 decades, has seen EVERY relevant musician/artist come through, and swears that the 3 best performances from solo artists that he has ever seen are Garth, Lady Gaga, and Bruno Mars, two of the three of those we saw yesterday.

Not wild about padilla, he’s a neoliberal in truest form. But we traded Mike Pence and kamala in Senate, for KAMALA as Vice PRESIDENT and padilla in the Senate. This may not have been the best move but it's not a bad one. And the tone of this also kind of implies that Latino men do not experience their own type of

Don’t don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Andrew Yang would be a good, no, Andrew Yang would be a FANFUCKINGTASTIC mayor or governor or president. Stop picking nits with every single little thing

The biggest con of capitalism is forcing people to buy into the idea that breaking yourself for a job is some sort of privilege. I have a friend whose boyfriend is the archetype of that. The “no one cares, work harder” t-shirts and shit. But he doesn’t know their daughter’s favorite ice cream flavor, or her favorite