Caleb Harris

And his ex wife magically found out that she really did love him all this time you guys.

When it was released, Manhunt was this dark, brooding stealth game that was "snuff film simulator" Even some of the developers of the game used first hand accounts of actual illegal snuff films (some were included in a doc film called Snuff. ) which would include 4 teenagers in a room, and a voice telling them only

Thats really admirable, we should all buy his game...

so games on steam must not contain offensive material. So ... GTA V isnt coming out on PC after all. And... I guess any game with killing in general. So... Postal. etc. Since when is being offended ok to censor, or violate others rights. I dont know. I know this is in very poor taste. But its the age old "your rights

If youve ever dated online, usually the conversation comes up "are you seeing other people" I think the answer to that question determines having a profile on tinder or the like is considered cheating. If you arent invested in a person, you are wasting their time and leading them on. Simple as that.

that was my intent, i see this in kids just a couple years younger than myself. Im 23, and seeing 18 year olds, even 20 year old adults act literally this way, and talk with the same confused affect has pissed me off royally. Its the "whaaaaaaaaaaaa" reply to everything.

I think the thing we should take from this video is notice how every single one of them said "I did a good job cause it was the best I could do" Why are we molding our nations youth into a bunch of half assing hippies. Best you could do, is still not doing the job. That idea of entitlement and "I can do no wrong"

Thats a lot of xbox 360 fight sticks ..............

Since when have fat people become.... sacred cows. I also make fun of anorexic people too.

I think its very strange that we are starting to see a bigger influx of Free roam open world titles coming from Japanese developers. There have been Japanese open world games before, but I think with Skyrims warm reception in Japan, and an increase in western game development, it's very strange, games like this, and

it took my whole family to help me move it in my basement. It is staying there forever. Even if I move. It was very heavy.

I bought an old 60" CRT for 40 dollars 2 years ago just to play NES and SNES on, and you are absolutely right. My dream ever since I was little was to play duck hunt on the biggest screen possible.

From a person who just completed the story quests, the new strike and the raid. Literally just finished the raid 10 minutes ago, and hopped online to see if anyone is bitching about the expansion. The content is locked away. Like, you could travel to all the areas either in the base game from launch or Beta even, all

I still think this game deserves the next gen treatment. Such an amazing game that should not be missed. Still Rockstars best outing. Ever. EVER.

I find this very dumb and very poor decision, since most pro players played either on pc or xbox 360 last gen for SF 4, then again, pretty sure the name of the game is to adapt to what plays better. Just a weird choice, then again, it was a weird choice for MS to have Tomb Raider with more people playing that series

..... was any of it covered actually in game. What happened to Rasputin, that whole thing was dropped like no ones business. Destiny's plot is as follows. You are revived. Here is a giant Ball. An AI called Rasputin is alive. Welcome to the moon. There are hive here. There is a signal in Venus. The signal was vex. Vex

Youre living like that now though. You just told someone on the internet to kill themselves. He hasn't even done that.

Thank god this is over, we can now focus on doing something about the black on black violence and crime in this country right..... Right guys..... right.

This is a death threat, you essentially told him to actually kill himself now. You implied is life was worthless. Were expecting your apology any time now.

but no one was a victim to begin with. See what happened there.