Caleb Harris

sony, since you are the good value checker, is this a good value for your customers?

if you are someone like me, and has held out on any recent EA games, this is a great deal. I bought a year pass, and am enjoying BF4 and Fifa and NFL right now, there are newer updates to these games, but... theres gonna be more available in the coming months. I think for a company like EA, this business model is

sony gets mad abou t a opay service to DOWNLOAD and oplay games in a netflix style fashion........Sony has their gaikai, a similar rental service..... I really dont think Sony can complain.

wait, isnt sony the company that BS;s the word exclusive. Destiny, only on ps4, GTA V only on PS4 Portal 2, only on ps3. How come no one bats an eye when they do it.

The survey is for people who still play titanfall... is an option for not even buying or trying the game.... I dont think those people should be included in the are you STILL playing Titanfall category

saddly everyone is in party chat nowadays my friend. I actually like talking to the CoD community type people. They are just really into their game, and if you TALK to them, they usually have good conversations.

I have the xbone and PC version of this game, but I don't get any screen tearing at all like this video suggests. Like Ive tried time and time again restarting the level to see the same segments even. It could be because I have the digital version? But I thought all games were installed anyways. I don't know, but I am

Anyone trying to make an easy buck off of the Pewdiepie generation with these garbage titles. This is why I went back to trying to master games I play now, instead of get new games for the next while. Currently trying to beat all 3 super star wars on SNES on Hard.. (Cant even do it on easy)

You can all judge me harshly, but.... I really really enjoyed Ride to Hell Retribution. Yes. Its an unfinished mess of a game. It was also hilarious. I return to it quite often, and plow through it in a couple of hours. I still remember the look of shock at EB Games, just opened. This is launch day for Ride to Hell,

The montage was actually good. Montageparodies is my favorite subreddit, but the mods there are currently overworked with a lot of new blood uploading not so great parodies. Still a great place to check out, i usually spend 2 to 3 hours there a day. Oh baby a triple never gets old.

I watch Hey Ya videos, or Mudkips for 10 hours before. This.... this is mere childs play

Phalanx was the first game I ever bought on the SNES. I remember my snes came with Super Mario World, Mario Paint, and Mario All-Stars. Don't ask me why I spent my hard earned recycling money on it, but when I did, I was not expecting it to be one of the best Shmups Ive ever played even to this day. That music, that

actually its only cheaper in america, sony thought itd be great to crank up that price the world over. You can buy an xbox one with 3 games and itd still be cheaper than a ps4 in canada thanks to the price hike.

People really cant grow up to just like the game for the game, people really find it hard to connect with a character cause they are a white male? My favorite games are Dreamfall and Beyond Good and Evil, and I had no problem connecting with the main characters because of sex, race, or sexuality... Does that make me

i own a wii u, i do not have autism, why does it seem everyone on miiverse has autism. (im not on miiverse)

as Ive said, if you are truly humanist, this is the biggest non issue ive seen being beaten to death. If all the characters were genderless grey blobs, could you identify with them, feel for them, and learn about them and be engaged in personal development and story. Gender does not make the story, sexuality does not

there is no injustice here, you want women in a game, make your own damn game, plain and simple. You want (insert non white male here) go make your own game. They have a right to make their own game with their own characters and story, you dont like it, dont play it. But whats more sad, not having a female character,

Its on Xbone according to rockstar twitter as well.

I actually heard that this is more of a misunderstanding, and more of a general question. IGN Russia was like are we going to see TLG, and the developers were like we haven't made any extra progress on the game, it might as well be cancelled for all we know. I think that says a lot more than what other people are

is this really, the biggest deal. I think its pretty funny, as it was clearly done just to piss off overly sensitive people. Because its almost like they knew someone would make the biggest deal over killing someone in a video game. Also, anything on /v/ usually ends with something like this.